Translating Europe Forum

Linking up translation stakeholders

18-19 September 2014

Centre Borschette, Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels, Room AB0A

(in video conference with Jean Monnet Building, Rue A. Wehrer, L-2920 Luxembourg, Room M6)

Draft Programme

Thursday 18 September

9.15Registration and welcome coffee

9.45Opening addressby Director-General Rytis Martikonis

10.15-10.45Key-note speech:Christophe Leclercq, founder of Euractiv

10.45-11.15Questions and answers

11.15-12.30Innovation in the translation sector


Kim Harris(Chair), GALA (Globalization and Localization Association)

Rebecca Ray, Common Sense Advisory

Dorothy Kenny, Dublin City University,

Spyridon Pilos, Head of Sector "Language Applications", DG Translation.

The first session on success stories of innovation in the translation sector will open the forum by showing where we are and what we have achieved in recent years: this is a good starting point for following discussions on possible synergies among stakeholders.


Exhibition in the CCAB

14.00-15.30 EU initiatives and funding opportunities for the translation sector


Representatives from:

DG Employment for European projects on skills and competences,

DG Education and Culture (Skills and knowledge alliances as part of Erasmus+)

DG Connect(Connecting Europe Facility — CEF)

DG Justice (Criminal Justice/Judicial Training)

DG Research (Social Sciences and Humanities)

What kind of EU funding is available in the area of translation?

Translation and languages are everywhere; they are linked to EU law and citizens' rights (for example the right to translation in criminal proceedings), the economy and the single market, employability and education (for instance, the new Erasmus+ programme). This session is for those interested in the funding possibilities under different EU initiatives.

15.30–16.00Coffee break

16.00-17.30Bridging the skills gap – panel chaired by Piet Verleysen, Director for Resources


Ramón Garrido (Chair), Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, coordinator of the Libro Blanco de la Traducción Institucional,

Alexandra Krause, University of Vienna,

Eyvor Fogarty, President of FIT Europe)

Françoise Bajon, President of ELIA – European Language industry Association

Johan Häggman, expert on multilingualism

Taking the McKinseyStudyon skills shortage as a starting point, this session focuses on the gap between the skills that are required in the language industry and those that are available on the market and how to bridge this gap.

18.00-20.00Networking dinner and music

Friday 19 September

9.30 -11.00Translation and Intellectual Property Rights


Dieter Rummel (chair), Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union

Jean Claude Troussel, Bird & Bird LLP

Anne-Marie Robert, SFT – Société française des Traducteurs
Vassilis Korkas, University of Surrey

Mikael Johansson, DG Translation

The session discusses intellectual property rights in translation, with an ongoing DGTranslation study as a starting point for debate.

11.00-11.30Coffee break

11.30-12.30Round table on ideas for the future of the Forum chaired by Director-General Rytis Martikonis.

Panel(further names to be confirmed):

Ingeborg Schuch, Oesterreichische Nationalbank

Gerhard Stickel, President of EFNIL – European Federation of National Institutions for Language

The round table is a structured brainstorming where representatives of different stakeholder categories will share their expectations for the future, based on this year's Forum.

12.30-12.45Conclusions by Director-General Rytis Martikonis

12.45-15.00Networking lunch

The conference will be webcast worldwide on DG Translation.