The Dallas CPA Society

Leadership Development Academy

In mid-January 2011, we sent our members an email informing them of the upcoming Leadership Development Academy (LDA) offered by the DCPAS. As a follow-up to that email, we would like to formally invite you to submit an application to the 2011 LDA program.

In his book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John Maxwell writes:

“Leadership is learned over time. And it can be learned. People skills, emotional strength, vision, momentum, and timing are all areas that can and should be learned. Leaders are always learners.”

The LDA is a truly unique program that will provide participants with the opportunity to learn skills crucial to becoming an effective leader.

Criteria for Selection and Eligibility

  • Participants generally have three to five years’work experience without regard to age. Exceptions may be made based on the circumstances of the individual. For example, if an individual graduated from college 15 years ago and was delayed in their career progression because of family or other obligations, they may still be considered eligible for the program.
  • Participants must be a member of the DCPAS (whether in public accounting or industry).
  • Participants must commit to attend all seven Leadership Development sessions and be dedicated to completing the reading materials.
  • We anticipate one participant per organization.

Session Descriptions

  1. What is Leadership?: Discussion of leadership principles, qualities of an effective leader and essential daily practices of an effective leader.
  2. The Art of Self-Leadership:Understanding your strengths/weaknesses, taking care of yourself emotionally and physically, taking the initiative to learn, and developing your personal mission.
  3. Time Management and Organization: Solid tips on effective time management and understanding how organization can help with clarity in communication and productivity.
  4. Motivating and Developing Others: How effective leaders motivate and develop the skills of their people.
  5. Essential Elements of Communication:Understanding the mutual objectives of others receiving the information, positive and negative perception, and discretion of leaders in communicating information.
  6. Crucial Conversations:Topics include giving and receiving feedback, resolving conflict, the art of gracious acceptance.
  7. 21st Century Communications:Topics include Social Media, casual conversations, boundaries in communication and employment issues.

Time Commitment and Curriculum Calendar

  • Seven sessions lasting 2-3 hours per session.
  • Sessions will typically be held during the afternoon on the 3rd or 4th Thursday of the month – one session per month.
  • A mixer will take place in May 2011 so participants can get acquainted.
  • A dinner for participants and significant others will be held in January 2012.

A calendar of program activities follows:

Cost: The cost of the program is $750, which includes reading materials.

Application: An application for the LDA is attached. The deadline for submitting applications to the Dallas Chapter is extended to April 22, 2011. Early submission is encouraged. Applicants will be notified at the end of April2011.

Questions:Please direct questions to Gala Rowlett at or at 972.960.8311.

Leadership Development Committee

Shari Ellington

Meadows, Collier, Reed, Cousins, Crouch & Ungerman, LLP

Stephanie Braislin

Whitley Penn LLP

Adam Tarnow

Watermark Church

Bruce Zaret



If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
John Quincy Adams