PSSC minutes (Draft)

November 4, 2015

In attendance: Mike Belong (Principal), Shawna Downey, Anne Marie Picone Ford, Mary Boucher (Teacher Rep), Joe Woodford, Adriana Campbell, Patricia Crowell, Sheila Cameron, Lisa Farley, Jennifer Machum, Travis Flynn (Student Rep). Regrets Lise Bellefleur-Jonah, Denise Owens, Scott Agnew

Anne Marie called the meeting to order at 6:30pm and welcomed all.

Mr. Russell Smith, the SPR for Data and History presented.

·  Response to intervention.

o  academically at risk – 3 steps

§  teacher – contact home

§  “small team” admin, guidance, resource (learning center)

§  “large team” admin, principal,and district office

·  Grade tracker – grades 11 and 12

o  Ms. Boucher said this is very helpful

·  Comprehensive guidance model

o  Others to get involved in the help of troubled students

o  It is not just the guidance counsellors job

o  Will educate the teachers to help with this

·  Career Focusing module

o  Students explore who they are thru the module, which helps with scheduling classes for the future

o  Better prepares students for post-secondary education

o  Students not just a number at MHS

Question posed to see if we can see data from the new trades section vs the way it had been done before. The students standpoint is very positive. Travis and the MHS students thank Mr. Smith for what he has done.

Anne Marie thanked Mr. Smith for his informative discussion and look forward to hearing more data.

Anne Marie began the regular meeting and welcomed Travis Flynn as the Student Council President.

Approval of the agenda - PC/LF MSC

Approval of the October minutes - PC/AC MSC

Correspondence – None

Business arising from minutes:

·  10 year plan - please read and send any items/concerns you may want to comment on to Anne Marie. The deadline for submission is Nov 15.

·  Fields – the educational specs state 3 fields for schools with 1000 students or more. Anne Marie and Sheila will meet to review the ed specs and discuss options.

Principal’s report:

·  School improvement plan – still working on it

·  PLWEP – positive learning work environment plan – we will discuss as well when ready

·  Mr. Mosher is back. He is looking into grants etc for an outside classroom

·  Staffing update: Ms. Kathy Prosser has been seconded to the District. Emily Bourque will be her replacement

·  Assessment results will be discussed at another meeting. Ms. Mcmanaman will be invited to help us understand the results.

·  BYOD – “bring your own device” the rollout will begin and it should be up and running by the end of November, once all staff and students are educated to this concept.

Teachers report:

·  Everyday counts

o  Teachers feel that being in the classroom is a key component

o  Teachers are not receiving this initiative positively

·  The ELPA has changed and there is no longer a writing component

·  Kathy Prosser will be missed while she is at the District

·  Report cards are due to go out on Friday

·  Assessments

o  Final exams are being worked on or are already prepared for January 2016

o  By Christmas break all exams will be in for January 2016

·  The morale for semester one has been very good, although tiring. They are enjoying teaching

Student Report:

·  Grade 9 day

o  It went very well, very comfortable

o  26 volunteers to help out

·  EC Dance went very well

·  First Assembly

o  Went well in the main gymnasium, however, trying to figure out a better arrangement for students seating

o  Will try the cafeteria for the next assembly

·  MHS hosted the Moncton Ghost Walk which was very well received and sold out

·  Harvest Knight

o  a haunted hallway with a BBQ and movie

o  there was a decent attendance but the hopes for more people to come out next year

o  perhaps having a dance or variety event with it for next year

·  Coffee House

o  Was another successful event and enjoyed by all

o  May try to hold this at lunch time to see how that works for the next time

Mr. Belong spoke about the assembly. It is very important to have a place for the students to assemble. It is a very big space issue. They should not cut out space in schools for assemblies.

Motion: to send a letter to the DEC stating our concern for the lack of proper space for the students to assemble as a body. This should be considered when designing new schools. PC/LF MSC

Anne Marie reminded everyone about privacy and confidentiality at the PSSC meetings.

Next meeting will be changed to December 9th at 6:30pm

Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm – SC