Key Information Set (KIS) Key changes for 2013

A summary for Academic Partnerships (AP) Partner Colleges – changes to come in 2013/2014 KIS returns.

·  In general the KIS for collaborative provision should be returned by the teaching institution – not the awarding/registered institution as last year regardless of direct/indirect funding arrangements.

·  It remains the responsibility of the registering institution to ensure that a KIS is returned – more information to follow. Plymouth will issue colleges with a list of current programmes of which a KIS is required (for PU planning and monitoring) approx. end of April 2013. We need partners to confirm a KIS will be submitted and if not clear reasons given for non-submission, together with any new programme details.

·  From 13/14 only one widget will be displayed per programme but Plymouth University (PU) will still need to have your UKPRN to pull your KIS through to our PU course pages. If there have been any changes to this please update .

·  NSS data is going to be aggregated by programme and college. JACS and level fields will be used for new programmes.

·  Partner colleges will continue to return their programmes with direct numbers as per last year for their KIS – in addition this year they will produce a KIS for programmes registered by Plymouth University but taught in the partner college

·  Partners are able to use PU templates if required – WBL has been moved out of ‘scheduled learning’ and into ‘placements’ see attached updated template.

·  PU UKPRN - 10007801

·  The Collaborative Provision document is an essential read – available on HESA website.

·  3 elements will now form the title of the programme on Unistats : KIS Course Hons (Y/N) KIS Aim (e.g FdA, FdSc, BA, BSc etc) which is generated from a LookUp, KIS Course Title e.g History (in proper case)

·  For information only: New fields have been added – amended method for accreditation (although in last year’s submission no partner’s programmes took accredited routes). This is an area of change although it may not affect you please see the HESA KIS website.

·  Accommodation information now relates to a location rather than to the institution as a whole. Partners will be required to populate and submit this data as last year if this was applicable.

·  Location field have been introduced (longitude and latitude reference) please see HESA website for full details

·  All DLHE/NSS (information gathered by PU) links back through UKPRN (Insitution.OTHERINST)

·  Programmes may show different levels of aggregation in NSS and DLHE – (e.g an aggregated NSS and a complete DLHE )

·  HESA KIS website -


Each partner to provide Julie Swain (AP) with a named contact for managing KIS by the beginning of May 2013.