Local Sustainable Transport Fund 15/16 Revenue

Application Form

Applicant Information

Local transport authority name(s):Solent Transport (formerly Transport for South Hampshire & Isle of Wight)

Lead Authority – Southampton City Council

Other Participating Authorities – Hampshire County Council, Isle of Wight Council, Portsmouth City Council

Bid Manager Name and position:

John Rider – Programme Manager, Solent Transport

Contact telephone number:01962 846 707

Email address:

Postal address:Hampshire County Council

2nd Floor EII Court West
The Castle
SO23 8UJ

Website address for published bid:

SECTION A - Project description and funding profile

A1. Project name:A Better Connected South Hampshire

A2. Headline description:

Working with stakeholders across the Solent Transport area the project seeks to support targets to generate sustainable economic growth, improve access to jobs and services, embed sustainable transport into business as usual activity and encourage better health outcomes. The package of measures cuts across 5 broad themes:-

1)Getting people into work

2)Supporting better health outcomes

3)Embedding sustainable transport into business as usual activity

4)Delivering sustainable infrastructure

5)Supporting innovation and skills

A separate workstream has been identified relating to Monitoring and Evaluation (including Project Management).

The project continues delivery of a successful large LSTF programme and the objectives are aligned closely with LEP and Health partners objectives as well as supporting area wide transport priorities as set out in the current Solent Transport Business Plan 2013-15.

A3. Geographical area:

South Hampshire is the largest urbanised area in southern England, outside London and is home to over 1.1m people. It reflects a functional economic area, anchored around the two cities of Portsmouth and Southampton and the M27 corridor. Its coastal geography with a number of peninsulas creates particular transport challenges, with movements channelled through a limited number of river, estuary and harbour crossing points.

The Solent Transport sub-region is illustrated on the map below. It includes the unitary authorities of Portsmouth, Southampton and the Isle of Wight; the Borough Councils of Eastleigh, Fareham, Gosport, Havant, southern parts of the City Council of Winchester; and the District Councils of Test Valley and East Hampshire and the eastern part of the New Forest district.

A4. Total package cost (£m): £2.249m

A5. Total DfT revenue funding contribution sought (£m):£1.730m

A6. Local contribution (£m): £0.519m (£0.264m (Revenue); £0.255m (Capital))

Note: This local contribution relates solely to funding for projects directly related to the scheme in the LSTF programme. It does not include funding potentially committed through the Local Growth Fund by the Solent LEP or the Local Authority match contribution to that fund, both of which combined make up the Solent Transport Fund shown Section B4 (Funding Profile). The Solent Transport Fund reflects a longer term commitment to sustainable transport with up to £30m funding over the period up to 2020/21.

Sustrans = £46k (15/16 Commuter Challenge; ERDF programme)

HCC Health team = £21k (£8k Active Steps Programme in Gosport; £7k Safe Routes to School; £6k Support for more Cycling)

Eastleigh Borough Council = £37k (£17k Bike It; £10k Bus Services; £10k cycle parking facilities at bus stops)

HCC Public Transport Team = £40k (Funding of Journey Plan Kiosks)

HCC Strategic Transport = £27k (Revenue); £110k (Capital)

PCC Transport Team = £34k (Revenue); £30k (Capital)

SCC Transport Team = £32k (Revenue); £115k (Capital)

Isle of Wight Transport Team = £27k (Revenue)

A7. Equality Analysis

Has any Equality Analysis been undertaken in line with the Equality Duty?

Yes No

A8. Partnership bodies:

Name / Description / Role
Solent Local Enterprise Partnership
(Letter of support included) / South Hampshire LEP / Provision of LGF funds through the Solent Transport Fund to support sustainable transport measures
South Hampshire Bus Operators Association
(Letter of support included) / Representative body for bus operators in South Hampshire. Includes large and small operators / Support delivery of Solent Go Travelcard and new Smartcard products
Hampshire Public Health Department / Developing strategy for the provision and delivery of Public Health services in Hampshire / Support delivery of Active Steps Pilot scheme in Gosport and School Travel Plan activities with staff time in kind as well as a financial contribution to the work
Job Centre Plus and Strategic Partners
(Letter of support included) / Provision of benefits and services for job seekers / Support delivery of travel advisors in Southampton, Fareham and Havant as well as subsidised transport for job seekers
(Letter of support included) / National Cycling Charity / Delivery of behaviour change initiatives in workplaces, schools & colleges and communities
University of Southampton
(Letter of support included) / Tertiary Education provider / Monitoring and Evaluation of LSTF programme
Eastleigh Borough Council
(Letter of support included) / 2nd Tier Local Authority / Support delivery of Bike It programme in Eastleigh through the provision of match funding as well as office space for remotely located staff
Deliver pilot project to introduce cycle parking at bus stops along a busy bus corridor

A9. Local Enterprise Partnership:

Stuart Baker

Head of Local Growth

Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)

Ground Floor, Building 1000

Lakeside North Harbour

Western Road

Portsmouth,PO6 3EZ

Please refer to Business Case for Solent Transport Fund submitted to Solent LEP in March 2014 (Included with this bid) for evidence of on-going support for sustainable transport projects.

SECTION B – The Business Case

B1. The Scheme - Summary

Solent Transport propose a programme of measures aimed at supporting and promoting sustainable transport across the region, delivering across 5 broad themes.

1)Getting people into work

2)Supporting better health outcomes

3)Embedding sustainable transport into business as usual activity

4)Delivering sustainable infrastructure

5)Supporting innovation and skills

19 individual schemes have been identified, and these are detailed in Table 1.The overarching aims of the programme are:-

1)To maximise the effectiveness of schemes delivered from the current LSTF programme, with marketing and behaviour change campaigns linked to infrastructure to be delivered in 2014/15. Specifically the package seeks to introduce measures in support of the following outcomes:-

- Generate 375 new jobs by 2019 and reinforce delivery of 38k new jobs by 2026

- Reduce carbon outputs by 26k tonnes (approximately 1%)

- Reduce congestion on LSTF corridors by 10%

- Deliver mode shift from the private car (-5%) couple with a 25% increase in PT use

- Improve bus journey times by between 1-7% along LSTF corridors

- Reduce road accidents (-37 PIA’s per annum)

2)To work towards a position where successful initiatives are viable in the long term without specific government support. This will be through a combination of (i) more efficient delivery meaning costs are reduced and can be afforded within existing budgets; (ii) working with external partners and stakeholders to secure match funding wherever possible; (iii) identifying networks of local champions and volunteers who will continue advocating for behaviourchange with the support of the Local Highway Authorities albeit less intensively than at present

3)Facilitate the growth aspirations of the Solent LEP and support delivery of major developments outlined in the draft Strategic Economic Plan (SSEP). Thisincludes a commitment for the provision of a Solent Transport Fund (STF), which will consist of a range of sustainable, integrated transport and network resilience interventions, prioritised on a Solent wide basis to support the strategic priorities and growth targets in the SSEP. The STF will be essential to provide the necessary funding to deliver the modal shift necessary to improve travel choice and minimise congestion. Up to £5m/annum will be provided to the fund from the Local Growth fund allocation, matched on a 1:1 basis by a combination of Local Authority and Private sector contributions. This LSTF programme would compliment the STF, with targeted programmes of behaviour change and marketing, supplemented by measures to encourage modal shift away from the private car and support training and skills in the crucial logistics sector.

4)Develop measures to encourage better health outcomes and support the Health and Well Being Councils in delivering their public health targets

5)Maintain the reputation of Solent Transport as a successful delivery partnership, maximizing opportunities for joint working and enabling the most efficient delivery of transport infrastructure and initiatives across the sub-region

Table 1 : Proposed LSTF scheme programme

Project / Value (£k) / Commentary / Local
Contribution (£k)
Revenue / Capital
Strand 1 - Getting People Into Work
Working with job seekers / £ 100 / Continue delivery of existing programme to support job seekers. Probably focused in same areas of Cosham, Gosport and Southampton
Solent Go Travelcard / £ 100 / Support to develop new products/services (e.g. Carnet ticket, PAYG) / 25
Commuter Challenge / £ - / 2015/16 Commuter Challenge event to be managed by Sustrans / 16
Strand 2 - Supporting Better Health Outcomes
Engagement with schools/colleges / £ 80 / Support continued delivery of activity to schools/colleges - £70k
Scooter Training - £10k / 7
Engagement with Communities / £ 110 / Actively support local community events (Sustrans and volunteers/local champions)
Active Steps programme (Gosport) - linked to HCC health team targets / 43.5
Supporting Health Promotion / £ 20 / Transport and Public Health Campaign in partnership with health colleagues / 12
Addressing vulnerable road users / £ 300 / Develop and deliver a comprehensive behaviour change campaign aimed at vulnerable road users to address an increase in KSI amongst children in the 2 cities / 75
Bike It Programme / £ 45 / Continued support for Bike It Level 2 in schools in Eastleigh (with support from Eastleigh BC) / 11
Strand 3 - Embedding Sustainable Transport
Support to increase smartcard sales / £ 300 / Deliver a major marketing campaign aimed at increasing uptake of Solent Go Travelcard
Continue advocacy campaign / £ 20 / Continue successful My Journey advocacy campaign (Fix My Ride)
Continue working with employers / £ 120 / Work with local business provider to take over service and remove the need for long term subsidy / 20 / 110
Support for My Journey / £ 110 / Support to continue My Journey strategic marketing campaign and extend brand to cover the Isle of Wight. Specific project to rebrand HCC journey planning kiosks / 55
Strand 4 - Delivering sustainable infrastructure
Reduce background demand on SRN / £ 60 / Deliver a PJP project associated with a major development identified in the draft SEP to reduce background demand on SRN
Supporting more cycling / £ 20 / Active Travel Campaign; Direct Marketing of new cycle infrastructure along specific corridors / 11 / 30
Cycle parking at bus stops / £ 20 / Introduce cycle parking facilities along a key bus corridor in Eastleigh / 10
Improving Access to Stations / £ 25 / Work to improve access to stations for Cyclists and Pedestrians
Strand 5 - Supporting innovation and skills
Develop sustainable transport applications / £ 100 / Grant funding to support development of Sustainable Transport applications
Legible Cities App; RTI App
Eco Driver training / £ 50 / Encourage better driver behaviour – delivered by in-house HCC team through workplace travel planning / 5
HGV Driver training (>5T) / £ 50 / Provide Grant (50% subsidy) for people to train as HGV drivers
Strand 6 - Monitoring and Evaluation
Project Management / £ 50 / 48
Monitoring & Evaluation / £ 50 / UoS to continue monitoring of LSTF initiatives/ Highlight Report / 40
Total DfT funding (£k) / £ 1,730 / Total Match Funding (£k) / 264 / 255

B2. The Strategic Case

Why Solent Transport?

Solent Transport is a successful multi-authority partnership with a strong track record of delivery and partnership working. Solent Transport’s strength is based on the following:-

  • Strong relationships within the partnership built over more than seven years joint working
  • Close liaison with transport operators and network providers, again developed over more than seven years joint working
  • Executive Member and Senior Management commitment to partnership working
  • A legacy of delivering sustainable transport initiatives including delivery of more than £50m LSTF programmes across the sub region and £4.5m investment in bus services through the DfT’s Better Bus Area Fund over the past 3 years
  • Solent Transport are committed to working with partners to make as much of the programme self sustaining as possible. 10 of the 19 schemes in the programme are viable beyond 2015/16 without specific DfT support for further LSTF.
  • The availability of a Strategic Regional Traffic Model as a key tool to develop and evaluate policy alternatives, validated and calibrated in accordance with DfT Webtag guidelines

The proposed package of measures recognises the role of transport as facilitator and enabler of wider economic, social and environmental objectives and is aligned closely with LEP, Health and sub regional transport objectives.The rationale for the 5 themes is set out below:-

Rationale for the 5 programme themes

a) Getting People into work – In a recently published CBI/KPMG Infrastructure Survey, 98% of companies stated that infrastructure has a significant impact on their investment decision-making. 85% of businesses identified the quality and reliability of transport as having a very significant or significant influence on their investment decision-making, higher than for any other type of infrastructure. However, in an increasingly congested transport network, it is vitally important that as many journeys as possible are taken by public transport, cycling or walking. Research undertaken for the Solent LEP shows that the ‘loss’ of potential GVA to the Solent area due to congestion would be at least 1.3% (£300m per annum) by 2025. It will also constrain future job creation leading to 1.7% of future output (15,000 jobs) interventions.

b) Supporting Better Health Outcomes–Transport’s biggest role in relation to health is a positive one; encouraging people to remain active and healthy through walking and cycling. This has a critical role to play in reducing levels of obesity, tackling coronary heart disease and promoting more active lifestyles.

Through this programme, Solent Transport would be looking to support measures to address obesity and physical inactivity in localities where these are most prevalent. In Hampshire, it has been estimated that 24.1% of adults are inactive, and 65.1% have excess weight. There is considerable variation by lower tier authority; inactivity ranges from 19.3% in New Forest to 28.6% in Fareham. Excess weight ranges from 58.5% in Winchester to 72.9% in Gosport.In Southampton 22.3% of adults are estimated to be obese with 7.4% recorded as obese on GPs registers. Only 21% of adults are considered physically active, participating in 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity three times per week (Sport England 2011 survey).

Evidence suggests that to increase rates of physical activity, a community approach is required, looking at both environmental and behavioural factors.[1] Similarly to decrease rates of obesity, NICE recommends a multi-factorial approach with strong leadership.[2] Using the latest evidence based guidance[3] we will encourage walking and cycling in the general population, as well as targeted approaches at those at who are less likely to be physically active and more likely to be obese, including deprived communities and older people. This work will be integral to the Hampshire physical activity plan which will be led by the Public Health Team in Hampshire County Council and implemented with District Authority, health and the voluntary sector.

Analysis of the January 2014 KSI data across the sub-region shows a worrying increase in accidents amongst vulnerable users, particularly young children, in the 2 cities of Portsmouth and Southampton.

-64 accidents and 87 casualties , the most in a January since 2006 and 2004 respectively

-12 KSI, 3 being U16s (a quarter of 2013 total U16 KSI in 1 month)

-A total of 14 U16 casualties. In U16 terms the worst January on record

-16 pedestrian casualties (average is about 12)

-10KSI and 47 accidents in Portsmouth (2nd highest number of accidents in the Force area)

c) Embedding Sustainable Transport–Behaviour change is crucial to supporting a long term shift away from car use towards more sustainable modes. Embedding sustainable transport into business as usual activity serves 2 critical functions:-

1)It supports long term changes in behaviour making consideration of sustainable alternatives the norm rather than exception.

Using LSTF grant, Hampshire County Council and Southampton City Council developed the award winning My Journey brand[4] as the focal point for all its behaviour change and sustainable transport related activity. My Journey now acts as the overarching brand for all behaviour change related activity across the Solent Transport Partnership. Brand awareness as measured through independent surveys stands at between 20-33% in Portsmouth and Southampton respectively after the first year of the campaign.

2)It reduces the need for on-going funding by incorporating it within existing budgets or identifying future sources of external funding.

A key advantage of the Solent Transport partnership is the nature of the relationships and the track record of successful partnership working, resulting in high levels of confidence amongst stakeholders that the partnership can deliver. Businesses, stakeholders and other Council departments are consequently more likely to provide match funding for schemes making projects less reliant on continued support from Government. An assessment of the proposed programme shows that 50% of the scheme (9 out of 18) are likely to be viable beyond 15/16, even without further funding. This is described further in section Section B10 of this document and Appendix 7.

d) Delivering Sustainable Infrastructure- Activity in the Strategic Sectors is focused in specific locations. Examples of this referred to in the Draft SSEP include the Port of Southampton and the Daedalus Enterprise Zone, together with emerging opportunities at Ford, Gosport Peninsula and Marchwood MOD. The focus of activity in these locations will generate a concentration of transport activity. In order to be competitive in UK and world markets, it is important that these sites have high quality accessibility with the minimum of congestion, the importance of which was noted in the CBI / KPMG Infrastructure Report. Access to many of these sites is through existing urban areas and local access will be important, particularly for employees. The LSTF programme will support delivery of the Solent Transport Fund by providing investment to increase the proportion of local journeys made by alternative modes to the private car. This will minimise overall congestion, particularly for those important journeys that have no choice but to access Strategic Sector sites by road.

The Draft SSEP also notes that members of the Solent LEP together with PUSH are drawing up an action plan to help work towards a ‘low carbon’ economy for the Solent region. Transport produces 20% of the UK’s domestic carbon emissions and over 90% of this is from road transport and 60% of that is due to private cars and taxis. Reducing the proportion of road based journeys, particularly private car journeys, is an essential component of any ‘low carbon’ action plan. Investment through LSTF and the Solent Transport Fund will encourage a greater proportion of journeys to be made by less carbon intensive modes of travel and is therefore essential to support the proposed ‘low carbon’ action plan.