Minutes of Church View Surgery PPG meeting held on 16th January 2015

Shoreham Health Centre

Present: Marjorie Sams, Terri Jezeph, David Johnson, Dr Howard Bentley, Peter Goldsmith, Sheila Clarke, Yvonne Ocana, Anna Doe, and Paulina Alwin
Apologies: Rosemary Carter, Launa Rolf, Fiona Randall and Barry Downs
Matters arising
Marjorie wanted it noted that in the previous minutes it should have stated the following:
Southlands Update: Section 106 is now called, community infrastructure fund; this is the levy paid by the builder, to social structure.
The builders have all the equipment on the site, so not cost to them. The builders of southlands redevelopment site could use this money for social structure. This could be used to build a cottage hospital on the site of southlands, which could include a walk-in centre. This would help the severe bed blocking crisis affecting our hospitals.
David said that he is not sure this information is accurate and just wanted to note this in the minutes.
Terri also wanted to comment that she has put 4 articles forward for the newsletter but not one has been printed as yet. / Actions
Practice News
Hazel informed the group that Rosemary Carter; Practice Manager will be retiring as of 8th May. She will be staying on in some capacity. Hazel will be taking on the Practice Manager role.
Also Paulina, Deputy Practice Manager will be going on maternity leave at the beginning of July; we will be getting a person to cover her maternity.
Hazel also informed the group that they now have a Specialist Diabetic Nurse, Lesley LeGrove that has started working at the Practice.
David asked how the appointment system was now?
Hazel commented that things seem to have eased up a bit now. Patients are getting used to the Duty Doctor system.
Frequency and purpose of meetings
Bernard is unable to attend today’s meeting but he sent the following report:
‘I would only report that I did meet with Joan Moore from our neighbouring PPG in Northbourne and had interesting and useful discussion. It was from that meeting that I wanted to raise the primary topic of 'Why PPG?' and ensure that the volunteer group does useful things of mutual benefit.
If others agreed I would like to propose that the group meets 6-8 times a year and organises both information and opinion-seeking events at the premises or in Shoreham, perhaps in alliance with others. Whatever, the commitment of the management team is essential to a useful function, it seems to me’
The meetings were 6 times a year, now they have been reduced to 4 times a year. All in the group agreed that they need to be more often than 4 times a year and all agreed on bi-monthly.
Hazel said that it does take a lot of time out of her work to facilitate these meetings. She will do some but will not be able to do all of them. Therefore, someone else from the group will need to do the agenda and take the minutes for the meeting that I may not be able to attend.
Meeting dates:
Friday 19th June
Friday 21st August
Friday 16th October
Friday 18th December
David gave an example of what Suffolk PPG does. They facilitate groups ie carers. David also said that he was speaking to a patient who had tried to call the Arthritis line and they got a message saying they were not available. They phoned again and it just rang and rang. He asked how he should advice the patients as to what to do.
Howard said the CCG have set up QIF which stands for Quality Information Feedback. This is a place where health professionals (no the public) can leave feedback on any incidences that may have occurred ie: prescribing issues from the Hospitals, discharge issues etc…
They would collate this information and look for trends that may occur. For example there was a lot of intelligence come through this system over the Christmas period how IC24 had not estimate the amount of care needed. This was looked at and the Easter holidays were approached differently. So if the PPG hear of any issues, that are not complaints, then this information can be given to the Practice and we can report this via QIF.
Regarding the PPG meetings, one of the PPG members will need to take minutes at some of these meetings so as not to encroach on the management team’s time too much. This will be decided at a later date.
Mental Health Awareness Day – Northbourne PPG
Shelia attended a meeting in February with the Northbourne PPG. There were also members of other PPGs in attendance. The format for a MH awareness day will be an open day model held at each surgery. It will be a market staff in design approach. See attached for a copy of the minutes.
The group discussed this and felt that if this day was promoted correctly then it would work. The group suggested aiming this at the carers, friends and family of patients with mental health issues. October time was felt to be the best time to do this, as there is a national awareness day around that time.
Howard said that Gill Ayling who is a member of the Northbourne PPG is also the lay member on the CWS Locality Board meeting.
It was suggested to have a guest speaker with personal experiences.
David suggested a title for the day could be ‘Caring Coping with someone with Mental Health’
Shelia will be attending the next meeting on 13th May at Northbourne surgery and will take back these thought.
Albion in the community staff – update on cancer awareness
Shelia reported the following:
Louisa Hernandez of Albion in the Community attended the January Church View Surgery PPG meeting to talk about the work of Albion, a recently established cancer awareness organisation. The campaign aims to increase early detection of bowel, breast, lung and prostate cancer among the over 50’s in Adur and Worthing.
Albion was in the early stages of planning a cancer awareness day and the PPG were asked if they would be prepared to participate at the event. There was a general agreement that the PPG should have a stand to promote the Church View PPG. Leaflets to be available explaining the purpose of the PPG. The stand would also carry the self-help leaflets for common illnesses now available on the internet and recommended by Dr Howard Bentley.
Adur Medical Group PPG are also now willing to participate as are Friends of Pond Road. Friends of Pond Road have offered to serve refreshments and run a tombola – donations of prizes needed please.
Marjorie Sams has been in contact with Hazel, a member of Friends of Pond Road also Adur Medical Group PPG and together we will be a presences at the event.
Marjorie has suggested a tombola, refreshments and music – all to encourage people to come and stay a while.
Louisa now reports that there will be, sessions of music and movement, the chance to use an exercise bike, quite areas for a chat with a representative from the various cancer awareness groups present on the day. Music is being organised and posters are being prepared by Louisa by next Monday/Tuesday. Donations for the tombola would be gratefully received. Can we arrange for these to be left at reception.
Marjorie is keeping in touch with Louisa.
This is an opportunity to publicise the PPG within the wider community as well as supporting a lifesaving cancer awareness campaign.
Marjorie added that this will not all be based around cancer there will also be football things. She asked how many helpers would we have?
Anne, Shelia, Yvonne and Terri said they would be available to help. There will also be Wendy Lewis, Alison Goodson, Dr Mark Halloran and Steph from the Friends of Pond Road group.
Terri will collect the raffle tickets from Hazel.
Yvonne will come in and collect any tombola prizes from Hazel.
Shelia asked Howard to confirm that the Practice were happy to advertise the PPG at this event and also promote the self care leaflets.
Howard confirmed this was ok.
ACTION: Hazel to print the self care leaflets for the group / HR
Communication box
Terri said that the communication box appeared in the waiting room a couple of weeks ago.
There was a discussion about how the contents of the box would be checked. It was decided that due to confidentiality one of the Practice staff will check the contents weekly. If there is anything to be brought to the attention of the PPG, Hazel will email Terri.
David said that there was an article in a newspaper recently advising over 70’s to exercise. Where should PPG members tell patients to go for this exercise?
It was advised that the Adur Well-Being Hub should be contacted as they organise lots of different activities.
Pro-Active Care
Terri asked for this to be put on the agenda so the group can find out how pro-active care is working in Shoreham and if there was anything the PPG group can do?
Howard said that Pro-active care is about keeping people well and at home. Too prevent illness and deterioration. They are a multidisciplinary team consisting of District Nurses, GP’s, Occupational Health, Social workers, Pharmacists etc…
The GP practices ran a tool call risk stratification. This identified people who are most at risk of becoming unwell.
Health professionals can refer patients to pro-active care, not the public.
The CCG have been building up the pro-active care teams. All the GP’s (if available) from this Practice will attend a meeting from 8.00-8.30 with Pro-active care, then one GP will stay on for a meeting with them from 8.30-9.30 every fortnight. New patients are discussed. Each patient will have a contingency plan in place. The patient and the family will meet with the keyworker to put together the contingency plan. With consent this is then shared with other service ie: ambulance service. This helps to avoid admissions as there is already a plan in place.
The average conveyancing rate is 2 thirds (67%) from calls from home to hospital. Those under pro-active care are down to 31%.
There are end of life care plans in place as well.
If a patient is under pro-active care and they have to go into hospital they should be able to be discharged quicker. There is an in-reach person from pro-active care now based in this hospital. This is a long term commitment.
At the recent Adur Locality Board meeting we also had a Pro-Active care strategic meeting. We appear to be one of the better localities.
Terri asked what percentage do you decline?
Howard said that we don’t decline; it is if they are suitable.
There was a question about what the unit cost of an ambulance is?
This would be found out for the next meeting.
Dementia Champion
It was asked what the purpose of the Dementia Champion was?
Howard said that as a Locality we decided to do some project relating to dementia. The plans are still in progress. A good start was for each practice to have a dementia champion. They would meet and come up with ideas. Our Dementia Champion is Robyn Roberts, Receptionist.
There is the Dementia Friends who raise the profile and awareness of Dementia.
From the patients
There are concerns about the long wait to see their own GP.
From meetings with the reception team there seems to be a better understanding from our patients regarding the new appointment system.
Please could our receptionists possibly, have an update in their training? This would encourage then to give their names on the telephone, and also how to cope with patients who come to the surgery, distressed, without an appointment, having been told by a pharmacy to see a Doctor. Referral to a nurse, for an update, may be better, than the receptionists making this decision, for the patient to go home and wait for a telephone appointment.
Nurses appointment are usually fully booked, they will have some book on the day appointments but not always.
The receptions do use their common sense. If they see that a patient is clearly very unwell or distressed, they will inform the Duty Doctor who will usually see them.
It was noted that there have been comments that there is excellent service from staff who do blood tests.
The group asked if one of the Receptionists could attend the next PPG meeting?
ACTION: Hazel will try and organise for someone to attend, this will depend on cover for Reception. / HR
Yvonne has two articles. Bernard was going to do an interview with Howard, this has not happened yet.
Terri said that she has given the practice 4 articles but not one has been put into the newsletter as yet.
Action: Hazel will look into this and see what articles are still relevant.
Howard informed the group that when patients Do Not attend there appointment, after 3 DNA’s we send the patient a letter. We have recently had a patient quite distressed by this letter. It was asked if the PPG will look at this letters and bring their opinions over it to the next meeting.
A copy of the letter is attached to the minutes.
ACTION: Members of the PPG to look at the DNA letters and give their opinions at the next meeting. / HR
ALL PPG members
The group decided that they would like a pharmacist to attend the next meeting to discuss the relationship between GP’s and Pharmacists.
ACTION: Marjorie will contact Hiran Patel / MS
Date of Next Meeting:
Friday 19th June 2015 at 12:30pm in Shoreham Health Centre
PPG Member / Email / Telephone Number
Peter Goldsmith / / 01273 592120
Terri Jezeph / / 01273 885250
Barry Downs / / 01273 453311
Sheila Clarke / / 01273 461347
Anna Doe / / 01273 462087
David Johnson / /
07738 860256
Marjorie Sams / / 01273 452628
Fiona Randall / / 01273 464705
Bernard Challen / /
01273 462045