SCADAWave Diagnostic Driver

User Manual


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©2008, Control Microsystems Inc.
All rights reserved.

Printed in Canada.


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All other product names are copyright and registered trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.

Document Revised October 14, 2008

Table of Contents

1. Overview 1

Driver Architecture 1

2. Installation 3

2.1. Installing the Driver 3

2.2. Uninstalling the Driver 3

3. ClearSCADA objects and database configuration 4

3.1. Channel 4

3.2. Radio 7

3.3. Analog Points 8

3.4. Digital Points 10

3.5. String Points 12


1.  Overview

This document describes the ClearSCADA SCADAWave Diagnostic driver, for use with Trio and SCADAWave radios.

The driver communicates with E-Series, M-Series and K-Series SCADAWave radios, and retrieves diagnostic information from these radios.

This driver has been implemented to conform with “Remote Diagnostics Protocol Version 2”, as described in the “E-Series Remote Diagnostics Interface Specification (Version D)” document published by Trio Datacom Pty Ltd.

Driver Architecture

The driver supports serial RS232 communications for direct serial connection, as well as TCP/IP communications for remote connection via a terminal server.

Figure 1: Driver using RS-232 connection

Figure 2: Driver using TCP/IP connection

2.  Installation

2.1.  Installing the Driver

·  Ensure that the ClearSCADA server is stopped.

·  Run the Windows installer supplied with this driver.

This will install the following files in the ClearSCADA directory on the target machine :





After the installater has completed, it is necessary to run the install_SCADAWaveDiag.bat batch file to register the database module so that ClearSCADA can load it.

Open a command prompt window, and go to the ClearSCADA directory

·  cd C:\Program Files\Control Microsystems\ClearSCADA

Run the batch file

·  install_SCADAWaveDiag

Restart the ClearSCADA server.

Open the server status window, and check that SCADAWaveDiag is listed in the Modules panel.

2.2.  Uninstalling the Driver

Shutdown the ClearSCADA server.

Open a command prompt window, and go to the ClearSCADA directory

·  cd C:\Program Files\Control Microsystems\ClearSCADA

Run the batch file

·  uninstall_SCADAWaveDiag

3.  ClearSCADA objects and database configuration

Once the driver has been installed and registered, a new sub-menu will appear in the list of ClearSCADA objects.

3.1.  Channel

The channel defines a connection for diagnostic communications on a SCADAWave radio system. Each channel can allow diagnostics to a network of radios through a single gateway radio.

In Service This configuration option allows the channel to be enabled or disabled.

Maximum Frame Size specifies the maximum size in bytes of message frames permitted over the radio network. The SCADAWave radios are typically limited to a frame size of 64 bytes.

Number of Retries / Timeout specify the number of times that ClearSCADA will retry messages and the timeout delay that ClearSCADA will wait before indicating that a message has failed.

Connection Type should be set to Serial for a direct RS-232 serial connection to a gateway radio; or to TCP/IP for connecting remotely via a terminal server over a TCP/IP network.

When the connection type is set to Serial, the following options will appear :

Port This specifies which of the serial ports on the ClearSCADA server will be used to communicate with the SCADAWave radios.

Baud Rate Communications speed – this should be set to 19200 for communications with SCADAWave radios.

Data Bits Number of data bits transmitted in each byte – this should be set to 8 bits for communications with SCADAWave radios.

Parity Specifies whether a parity bit is sent with each byte – this should be set to None for communications with SCADAWave radios.

Stop Bits Number of stop bits sent with each byte – this should be set to 1 bit for communications with SCADAWave radios.

Flow Control Specifies the type of flow control used with serial communications – this should be set to None for communications with SCADAWave radios.

When the connection type is set to TCP/IP, the following options will appear :

TCP/IP Type This specifies whether a TCP or a UDP connection type is to be used to connect to the terminal server.

Host Address This specifies the IP address of the terminal server.

Port This specifies the IP port number used for the connection to the terminal server.

All of these settings need to be set to match the configuration of the terminal server used to communicate with the SCADAWave radios.

3.2.  Radio

The radio object defines the parameters for the gateway radio.

In Service This configuration option allows the radio object to be enabled or disabled.

Channel specifies the link to the channel object.

Stream ID specifies the SID code used in the header of SCADAWave radio messages. This SID code can be used in radio networks to segregate groups of radios into different streams. For radio networks which do not use this multiple stream facility, this option should be set to zero.

Severity specifies the severity of alarms associated with this radio object.

Scan Rate and Scan Offset define the frequency and offset of requesting diagnostic information from the radio.

3.3.  Analog Points

This object allows analog diagnostic variables to be read from the radio.

In Service This configuration option allows the point to be enabled or disabled.

Radio specifies the link to the radio object. The “…” button can be used to browse for an available radio object.

Parameter This configuration option allows selection from a number of pre-configured analog diagnostic variables available in the SCADAWave radio. A complete list of analog parameters is provided below along with a description and PIC number.

Custom PIC This configuration option is available when the parameter is set to “Custom PIC (specify)”. This allows the user to choose any analog diagnostic variable in the radio by specifying the PIC number of the variable.

Scaling When “Custom Scaling” is selected, this allows customised scaling of the diagnostic variable into engineering units. This would normally be used along with the “Custom PIC” option.

The following analog points are supported

Parameter Name / Description / PIC
Temperature (deg C) / Internal temperature of radio / 3
RSSI (dBm) / Received signal strength / 6
Forward Tx Power / Tx power (in dBm or mW) / 9
Reverse Tx Power / Reverse Tx power (in dBm or mW) / 18
Rx Frequency Error (Hz) / Rx Frequency error / 15
DC Supply Volts (V) / Radio supply voltage / 12
Tx Frame Count / Number of transmitted frames / 48
Tx Byte Count / Number of transmitted bytes / 49
Bad Frame Count / Number of bad frames received / 51
Good Frame Count / Number of good frames received / 52
Good Byte Count / Number of good bytes received / 53
Lost Sync Count / Number of time sync has been lost / 54
Lost RSSI Count / Number of times RSSI has been lost / 55
Tx Frequency (Hz) / Transmit frequency / 62
Rx Frequency (Hz) / Receive frequency / 63
Programmed Tx Power / Programmed transmit pwr (dBm or mW) / 64
RSSI Threshold (dBm) / RSSI threshold / 76
Session Code / Session code / 98
Run Time Tx Power / Real time Tx power (dBm or mW) / 104
Base Serial No. / Base serial number / 126
DSP Firm. Ver. / DSP firmware version / 156
DSP Firm. Rev. / DSP firmware revision / 157
Base Firm. Ver. / Base station controller firmware version / 161
Max Tx Power / Maximum transmit power (dBm or mW) / 200

3.4.  Digital Points

This object allows digital diagnostic variables to be read from the radio.

In Service This configuration option allows the point to be enabled or disabled.

Radio specifies the link to the radio object. The “…” button can be used to browse for an available radio object.

Parameter This configuration option allows selection from a number of pre-configured digital diagnostic variables available in the SCADAWave radio. A complete list of digital parameters is provided below along with a description and PIC number.

Custom PIC and PIC Bit These configuration options are available when the parameter is set to “Custom PIC (specify)”. They allow the user to choose any digital diagnostic variable in the radio by specifying the PIC number and PIC bit number of the variable.

The following digital points are supported

Parameter Name / Description / PIC
User Diags Enabled / User diagnostics are enabled (disabled) / 198 bit 0
Unit is Base / Unit is a base station (not a base station) / 198 bit 1
Auto Annunciate / Auto Annunciate on (off) / 102 bit 0
Diag. Checksum Enabled / Diagnostics checksum enabled (disabled) / 102 bit 1
Unit is Exciter / Unit is an exciter (not an exciter) / 102 bit 2
Half Duplex / Unit is operating in half duplex mode (full duplex mode) / 102 bit 3

3.5.  String Points

This object allows string diagnostic variables to be read from the radio.

In Service This configuration option allows the point to be enabled or disabled.

Radio specifies the link to the radio object. The “…” button can be used to browse for an available radio object.

Parameter This configuration option allows selection from a number of pre-configured string diagnostic variables available in the SCADAWave radio. A complete list of string parameters is provided below along with a description and PIC number.

Custom PIC This configuration option is available when the parameter is set to “Custom PIC (specify)”. This allow the user to choose any string diagnostic variable in the radio by specifying the PIC number of the variable.

The following string points are supported

Parameter Name / Description / PIC
Firmware Ver. / Firmware version / 190
Processor Module Desc. / Processor module description / 122
Main Board ID / Main board identification string / 143
Product Ver. / Product version string / 192
Base Product Ver. / Base station product version / 191