Physics 2nd six weeks Extra Credit Assignment: Journey Inside a Black Hole

This is your chance to write a bit of science fiction! For this assignment, you’ll be telling the tale of a lone spaceship, piloted by yourself (or a character of your own) that has taken the challenge of diving into a black hole.


Must be typed, 12 pt font, double spaced, at least 1 whole page with 1 inch margins.

Questions to answer:

Here are three questions you’ll need to answer in your story:

Why are you going into the black hole?

- (exploration? an accident? sabotage? a dare? you decide!)

What happens as you approach and enter the black hole?

- (This is where the SCIENCE comes in. Check out some of the videos linked below for help describing what should happen. Don’t forget to talk about GRAVITY! What happens to the force of gravity as you approach the singularity? How does it affect you?)

What happens after?

- (We don’t really know what happens to matter that falls into a black hole. Maybe it just gets crushed, or maybe it reappears somewhere or some when else. Or maybe something completely different! Be creative! This is your science fiction after all!)

Other than that, you can write your story however you’d like! I’m looking forward to getting to read it!

Upon successfully completing this assignment your lowest non-zero daily grade will be replaced with a 100. Last day to turn it in is Friday, November 15th.

Here are some helpful videos if you’re not sure what might happen when someone approaches

a black hole:

(a quick video talking about falling into a black hole) ~3 min

(Vsauce explains what its like in a black hole) ~ 11 min

(another, more detailed video - don’t get bogged down by the complicated terms!) 7 min

(a physicist talks about recent discussions on how we think black holes work) ~11 min

Here are some suggestions as to what going near, or through, a black hole might do: (This video suggests what would

happen if you travelled around a black hole, but what if you went inside?) ~ 5.5 min (This will talk about black holes, and their

possible counterpart: wormholes) 7 min.