POST(S) APPLIED FOR: / Office Cleaner

Part 1 – Not shared with the Recruiting Department

1.  Personal Details

Surname / Forename(s)
Home Tel No / Mobile No
Home Address / Email Address - required
Post Code

2.  Police Check / PVG Scheme

You are required to disclose any unspent convictions or cautions and any spent convictions for offences included in Schedule A1, ‘OFFENCES WHICH MUST ALWAYS BE DISCLOSED’ of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Amendment Order 2015 No.2.

Candidates are not required to disclose spent convictions for offences included in Schedule B1, ‘OFFENCES WHICH ARE TO BE DISCLOSED SUBJECT TO RULES’ until such time as they are included in a higher level disclosure issued by Disclosure Scotland.”

These lists of offences are available on the Disclosure Scotland website or at

Do you have any unspent convictions? / Yes / No
Do you have any spent convictions that you are required to disclose? / Yes / No
Are you registered with the PVG Scheme to work with Protected Adults & Children? / Yes / No
If yes, please provide your PVG Member Number

3.  Referees

One must be your present or most recent employer or school/college. We will not normally accept references from relatives/friends. We reserve the right to request more than 2 references

Name / Name
Position / Position
(if applicable) / Company
(if applicable)
Relationship to You / Relationship to You
Post Code / Address
Post Code
Telephone No / Telephone No
Email Address / Email Address

We will assume you are happy for us to contact your referees if you are provisionally offered and accept employment/work with us

Are you available for Interview at any time? / Yes / No
If “No”, please provide details of non-availability:

4.  Granting of Benefits to Close Relatives / Family Members

Are you closely connected to a current employee or Member of the Board of Kingdom Housing
Association ? (Definition of this is available in our Entitlements, Payments & Benefits Policy under
Section 3 on our website) / Yes / No
If “Yes”, their name:…………………………………. Relationship:………………………………………

5.  Equality and Diversity Monitoring

To which ethnic group do you belong?

White: / Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British:
Scottish / Indian
Other British / Pakistani
Irish / Bangladeshi
Gypsy / Traveller / Chinese
Polish / Any Other Asian Background
Any Other White Background
Mixed or Multiple Ethnic Background:
Black, Black Scottish or Black British:
Caribbean / Other Ethnic Background:
African / Arab, Arab Scottish or Arab British
Any Other Black Background / Any Other Group
Do you give us permission to check your eligibility to work in the UK from the Home Office if required? / Yes / No
Are you? / Male / Female
Do you consider yourself disabled, as defined by the Equalities Act 2010 / Yes / No
If yes, please specify the nature of your disability:

To which age group do you belong?

Under 16 / 16-19 / 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50-59 / Over 60

How were you first made aware of this post?

indeed / KHA Website / Other Recruiting Website (specify) / Job Centre
Fife Voluntary Action / Other (specify)

6.  Declaration

I declare that the information given in Parts 1 and 2 of this application for employment is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. If any of this information given by me in this form or in support of my application is untrue, I recognise that any offer of employment/work may be withdrawn, or my employment with Kingdom ended.

Signed: / Date:
/ Post Ref No / 451 / Applicant Ref No / CONFIDENTIAL
POST(S) APPLIED FOR: / Office Cleaner

Part 2 – Assessed by the Recruiting Department

1.  Qualifications / Memberships

Please indicate below qualifications gained at School, College or University. You need only provide the date awarded for College or University qualifications or time served apprenticeships.

Subject / Detail / Qualification and Status of Membership (if applicable) / Grade / Date Awarded

2.  Courses Attended / Other Relevant Specialised Training / Knowledge

3.  Employment History

This is your present or most recent employment, voluntary work or work experience.

Name and Address
of Employer
Nature of Business
Post Held
Dates of Employment / From / To
Salary / Current / Expected
Notice Required
Duties and Responsibilities
Reason(s) for leaving or wishing to leave

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4.  Previous Employment

Please start with most recent and include any periods not in paid employment, voluntary work or work experience. Continue on an additional sheet, if necessary.

Name and Address of Employer
Position Held
Dates (Month/Year) / From: / To:
Reason(s) for Leaving
Description of Duties and Responsibilities
Name and Address of Employer
Position Held
Dates (Month/Year) / From: / To:
Reason(s) for Leaving
Description of Duties and Responsibilities
Name and Address of Employer
Position Held
Dates (Month/Year) / From: / To:
Reason(s) for Leaving
Description of Duties and Responsibilities
Name and Address of Employer
Position Held
Dates (Month/Year) / From: / To:
Reason(s) for Leaving
Description of Duties and Responsibilities

5.  Suitability for the Post

Please refer to the person specification below and demonstrate how you meet the criteria (continue on a separate sheet, if necessary).

Essential Criteria / Please provide examples on how your skills, qualities and experience meet each of the person specification criteria
E 1  Previous cleaning experience.
E 2  Ability to make sure all areas are of a clean and hygienic standard.
E 3  Good eye for detail in respect of areas needing cleaned.
E 4  Understanding of the safe use of cleaning products and equipment.
E 5  Understanding of office security.
E 6  Good communication skills – written and verbal.
E 7  Ability to follow checklists and instructions.
E 8  Ability to work on your own and as part of a team.
E 9  Flexible working manner.
E 10  Understanding of the importance of confidentiality.
Desirable Criteria / Please provide examples on how your skills, qualities and experience meet each of the person specification criteria
D 1  Previous keyholder responsibilities.
D 2  Previous experience of using a carpet/steam cleaner.
D 3  Previous experience of manual handling of equipment and materials.
D 4  Previous experience of cleaning stock replenishments.

6.  Further Information

Please use the space below to tell us why you are applying for this position and any other relevant information you would like us to know.


We will use the information you give in Parts 1 and 2 of this form, and in any supporting evidence you send us, to process your application for employment. We may pass the information to other agencies or organisations as allowed by the law and in accordance with our Registration with the Information Commissioner. Kingdom is registered as the Data Controller under the Data Protection Act with the office of the Information Commissioner. As the Data Subject you have the right to access the information we hold on you. If you wish to access this right please contact our office and ask for a Data Subject Access Request Form.

Completed application forms should be sent (or emailed) to Kingdom Housing Association Limited, Corporate Resources Team, Saltire Centre, Pentland Court, Glenrothes, Fife, KY6 2DA. Email . Web:

Scottish Charity No: SC000874 Tel: 01592 631661

Page 4 Revised: April 2017