The Keys to a Blessed Life (8 Beatitudes) – Part 6

Chuck Cotton

April 19, 2015

1 SAM. 16:7“Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (NIV)

MT. 5:8“God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.” (NLT)

WHAT IS INTEGRITY? Not perfection. Not sinless

oWHOLENESS Integeris a whole numberIntegrated!

Not compartmentalized- Not segmented(pie) Titanic

You are the same with everyone

oAUTHENTICITY- You are what you appear to be. Real deal.


oUNMIXED MOTIVATION - cant be bribed or bought.pure

sincere. straightformward

PR. 3:22screenThe Lord hates people with twisted hearts,

but he delights in those who have integrity.” (NLT)



PR. 10:9“People with integrity have a firm footing, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall.” (NLT)

PR. 11:3“The integrity of the honest keeps them on track.” (Mes)


PR. 20:7“A righteous person lives on the basis of his integrity. Blessed are his children after he is gone.”(GW)

JOB 8:5-7(Bildad) “If you pray to God and seek the favor of the Almighty, if you are pure and live with complete integrity, God will rise up and restore your happy home. And though you started with little, you will end with much.” (NLT)


MT. 25:21 (God will say) “Well done! You are a good and trusted servant! Because you were faithful with small things, I’ll now put you in charge of much greater things. Come and share your Master’s happiness!”(NCV)

So, HOW, do I develop integrity? What does it look like?

Ps.15 lists 8 characteristics of

PS. 15:1-5 “Lord, who may stay in your sanctuary and live on your holy mountain? The one who walks with integrity- hespeaks the truth from his heart. He refuses to slanderothers with his tongue, won’t listen to gossip, and will not cast a slur on his fellowman... (instead) he honors those who fear the Lord, and keeps his promises even when it hurts. He lends his money freely without charging interest andcannot be bribed by money, Whoever does THESE THINGS will NEVER be shaken!” (NIV/GW/TEV) A promise!

Integrity demands that you approach EVERY area of your life

with the same commitment to excellence:

Your work...marriage... ministry... money..motivations...friendships


This may get a little personal! – meddling

You become a person of integrity..

1. BY KEEPING YOURPROMISES (verbal integrity)

People of integrity keep their word!

PR. 25:14“People who promise things they never give are like clouds and wind that bring no rain.” (TEV)

Q: What have you promised that you have yet to do?

ToKids? Spouse? To God?

Excuse: “My circumstances have changed!”

Remember the vs we just read:

PS. 15:4screen“(God blesses)the one who walks with integrity ...who keeps his promises even when it hurts.”

You become a person of integrity...

2. BY PAYING YOUR BILLS (financial integrity)

You may not think this important, but God does!

How you use your money is a test. Many verses

oFirst, you don’t default on loans:

PS. 37:21“The wicked man borrows and never pays


o You don’t defraud the govt of taxes.

ROM. 13:6-7“…the authorities are working for God…Pay what owe them; pay your personal and property taxes…”

You become a person of integrity...

3. BY REFUSING TO GOSSIP (relational integrity)

Can you keep a secret?

Do you talk about others behind their backs?

Every time you gossip you lose integrity

PR. 11:13“A gossip can't be trusted with a secret, but someone of integrity won't violate a confidence.” (Mes)

PR. 10:18screen “Anyone who spreads gossip is a fool”(TEV)

You become a person of integrity...

4.BY FAITHFULLY TITHING (spiritual integrity)

Jesus said “Your heart is wherever you put your money”

Tithing is one way God’s tests your integrity. Do you trust him

with your finances? Do you God him first...?

MAL. 3:8-10“Is it right for a person to cheat God? Of course not! Yet you are robbing me, says the Lord. 'How?' you ask. By withholding your full tithe and offerings... Bring to me the full amount of your tithe to my House, Put me to the test and you’’ll see that I will open the windows of heaven and pour out so much blessing on you that you won’t have enough room to receive it all!” (TEV)

You become a person of integrity...

5.BY DOING MY BEST AT WORK (business integrity)

Some people only work hard when the boss is watching.

The rest of the time they are goofing off, wasting time, taking

breaks, coming in late,

You’ve probably never realized how serious a sin that is:

PR.18:9screen “Slack habits and sloppy work are as bad as vandalism!” (Mes)

PR. 18:9screen“A lazy employee is as destructive as a

saboteur.” (LB) You are destroying someone’s business!

EPH. 6:6screen “Don't work hard only when your master is watching and then shirk when he isn't looking! Work hard and with gladness all the time, as though working for Christ, doing the will of God with all your heart.” (LB)

It is God’s will that you not waste time & money at work!

COL. 3:22screen“And don't just do the minimum that will get you by. Do your best!” (Mes)

Are you giving you very best at work?

It is a test of your integrity

What should be my attitude toward every job I’m given?

COL. 3:23“Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” (NLT)

Imagine the witness we’d have if every Christian was

always known for working with integrity!

You become a person of integrity...

6.BY BEING REAL WITH OTHERS (interpersonal)

You don’t fake it. You be yourself. Don’t pretend.

You are authentic!

2 COR. 4:2“We refuse to wear masks and play games. We don't maneuver and manipulate behind the scenes. And we don't twist God's Word to suit ourselves. Rather, we keep everything we do and say out in the open...”(Mes)

What you see is what you get. You’re not a phony.

In a world that is obsessed with image, how do you keep it real?

Only 1 way: Be more interested in God’s approval than man’s.

The way you

PR. 119:9“How can I keep my way pure? By living

according to your Word.” (NIV)


Lord, I’ve been spending your money. As an act of integrity, I’m going to start tithing what is rightfully yours.