Cabinet 11-30-06

Laura Corry, Heather McGinnis-Thank you on behalf of USG

Matt Couch in attendance



Last meeting 11-29-06

Discussed Ideas for Next Quarter

Government Relations:

Lobbying plan, Buckeye Advocates List

Dinner will be held 2-28-07

Invite Legislators to come to campus for a pizza dinner in near future


Planning for next quarter

Working in winter with OSU police for events they can do in the dorms (marketing)

Safety Day (winter quarter)

Working with Greek Community for safety and security issues off-campus


Planning for next quarter

Middle East: Why is it the Way it is?

Black History Month: Showing the movie “Roots”

Third Event: Still thinking of ideas


University Policy agenda: working to get it out to faculty and OSU

Member Development: Many Socials, USG Picture, working on recognizing USG members more, January retreat, New Member Orientations, Winter Involvement Fair


Directors received emails about engaging Interns,

Daphne spoke about Lead American,

Fall Quarter Main Project: worked with Sportsmanship Council and produced first USG newsletter

Currently working on USG list serv, Lunch with Ryan and Kate

Christopher Alvarez-Breckenridge.1: BOT

Facilitate communications with the USG and Board of trustees

Will be attending Senate and Cabinet Meetings for us to tell him anything we want the board to hear, etc. Here to help us, and facilitate us

His job entails: attend monthly meeting, doesn’t have a vote (student trustees, 2) salaries, hiring, and firing, etc.

Much discussion between the fifteen members

Hot topics: Learn and Earn, Where the University is heading, President Holbrook leaving after this year, etc.

Michael Fornes- Important Contact Head of the English Department

Exec Report:

New Lighting Press Release sent out on Wednesday

$938,000 for the new lighting to be completed in one year

Move-Out Meeting: Everything must be GONE, come help on the Dec. 12th


·  Meeting Every Week, Committee Updates

·  Not productive @ Meetings (Rush through things)

·  Attendance, should it be mandatory?

·  Send Minutes After the Meeting

·  Directors emailing what is going on in their own Committee to CS