PERIOD 6 (1865-1898)


·  Technological advances, large-scale production methods, and the opening of new markets encouraged the rise of industrial capitalism in the United States.

·  The migrations that accompanied industrialization transformed both urban and rural areas of the United States and caused dramatic social and cultural change.

·  The Gilded Age produced new cultural and intellectual movements, public reform efforts, and political debates over economic and social policies.


·  industrial capitalism

·  government subsidies

·  real wages

·  standard of living

·  gap between rich and poor

·  corporations

·  trusts

·  holding companies

·  laissez-faire

·  child labor

·  labor movement

·  national and local unions

·  “New South”

·  sharecropping

·  tenant farming

·  mechanization

·  consolidation

·  famers’ cooperatives

·  People’s Party (Populists)

·  urban culture

·  Southern and eastern European immigrants

·  Assimilation

·  Americanization

·  political machines

·  clerical workers

·  middle class

·  leisure time

·  consumer culture

·  Transcontinental Railroad

·  Boomtowns

·  American bison

·  reservations

·  Indian assimilation

·  Gilded Age

·  Social Darwinism

·  Gospel of Wealth

·  philanthropy

·  utopians

·  socialism

·  Social Gospel Movement

·  tariff and currency policy

·  women’s voluntary organizations

·  Jane Addams

·  settlement houses

·  Plessy v. Ferguson

·  racial theories


·  Sioux (Lakota) Nation

·  Chinese Exclusion Act

·  Homestead Act

·  Cattle Kingdom

·  Mark Twain

·  Turner’s “Frontier Thesis”

·  Crazy Horse & Sitting Bull

·  Little Bighorn

·  Wounded Knee Massacre

·  The Dawes Act

·  coal industry

·  petroleum industry

·  “scientific management”

·  “Taylorism” - Frederick Taylor

·  mass production

·  Moving assembly line

·  Cornelius Vanderbilt

·  Andrew Carnegie

·  J. Pierpont Morgan

·  horizontal & vertical integration

·  J.D. Rockefeller

·  Standard Oil

·  “Myth of the Self-Made Man”

·  Russell Conwell “Acres of Diamonds”

·  Monopolies

·  The Great Railroad Strike of 1877

·  Knights of Labor

·  American Federation of Labor (AFL)

·  “Haymarket Riot”

·  Anarchism

·  The Homestead Strike

·  The Pullman Strike

·  Eugene Debs

·  tenements

·  Jacob Riis How the Other Half Lives

·  “Boss Rule”

·  Tammany Hall

·  William “Boss” Tweed

·  Middle-class culture

·  patronage

·  Stalwarts & Half-Breeds

·  Garfield Assassination

·  Pendleton Act

·  Sherman Antitrust Act

·  Interstate Commerce Act

·  The Grangers

·  Farmers’ Alliance

·  “Free Silver”

·  Panic of 1893

·  “Coxey’s Army”

·  bimetallism

·  William McKinley

·  William Jennings Bryan

·  “Cross of Gold”

·  Election of 1896