Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Origin of the Case:In 1801, before he left office, President John Adams appointed dozens of Federalists as judges. Most of these “midnight judges” took their posts before Thomas Jefferson, Adams’s Democratic-Republican successor, took office. Jefferson ordered his Secretary of State, James Madison, to block the remaining appointees from taking their posts. One of these appointees, William Marbury, asked the Supreme Court, using the Judiciary Act of 1789 as his argument, to issue an order forcing Madison to recognize the appointments.

Court’s Opinion:Chief Justice John Marshall wrote the Court’s opinion on the case and stated that Marbury had every right to receive his appointment. Further, Marshall noted the Judiciary Act of 1789 gave Marbury the right to file his claim directly with the Court. However, Marshall questioned whether the Court had the power to act. The answer, he argued, rested on whether this case could be argued directly in the Supreme Court without first being heard by a lower court.

He ruled that the law should not give the Court the right to force the commission; the law could not be enforced and was unconstitutional. This case was the first time that the Supreme Court declared an act of Congress (a section of the Judiciary Act of 1789) to be unconstitutional. This is the first exercise of the power of judicial review—the power of the federal courts to interpret laws in light of the Constitution.

Chief Justice John Marshall explained, “[T]he Constitution of the United States confirms and strengthens the principle… that a law [offensive] to the Constitution is void (cancelled)…Furthermore, the Supreme Court is the proper authority to decide if a law is in conflict with the Constitution.” He called this responsibility “the very essence of judicial duty (responsibility).” In the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton discussed “the rights of the courts to pronounce legislative acts void…” He explained in Federalist No. 78, “No legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid…” Although the Founders, including Hamilton, considered the courts the weakest branch of government, their power to identify and overturn unconstitutional laws is essential to the preservation of constitutional law.

Figure it out with a partner on your notebook paper. Write the answer in complete sentences so you do not have to write the questions

1.What did William Marbury want? Who kept him from receiving it and why?

2.Why did Marbury take Madison to court? What law was his case based on?

3.Why did Chief Justice John Marshall question the Supreme Court’s power to act?

4.What did the Court do for the first time? What principle did this case establish?

5.What did he call the “very essence of judicial duty”?

6.Throughout American history, some have asserted that states, and not the Supreme Court, are the rightful judges of whether a law is constitutional. What would be some advantages and disadvantaged of this arrangement?