Adopted by decision of the FC of the Faculty of International Economics and Politics / Approved by:
Protocol № / / Dean
Prof. A. Vassileva, PhD


Academic subject: / EUROPEAN ECONOMY
Subject code: / B60000
Educational and qualification degree: / Bachelor of Arts
Status of the course: / Optional course
Higher education area : / 3. / Social Sciences, Economics and Law
Professional direction: / 3.8. / Bachelor of Economics
Specialty: / 3.8.30 / International Economic Relations
Faculty: / International Economics and Politics
Department: / International Economic Relations and Business
Total student academic workload (classes per course): / 0 / 60
Extracurricular workload: / 60 hours
Credits: / 4
Lecturer of the course: / Prof. Dimitar Hadjinikolov, ScD


Students must have adequate preliminary training in the framework of the Bachelor degree by completing the courses "Economics" or "International Economics". They have to be familiar with the methods of economic statistics. Additional requirements are: Internet literacy, and knowledge of at least one of the major Western languages.


1.  The course “European Economy” has been included in the educational plan of the specialty “International Economic Relations” of the educational qualification degree “Bachelor” since the academic year 2009-2010 as an optional course.

2.  Course Description:

In the first part of the course, students are given a definition and a general assessment of the European economy as a product of the European integration. This is based on a brief overview of the theory of regional integration. Special attention is paid to the particular phases and methods of integration and to the process of formation and development of the single internal market or the so called “European Economic Area”. Furthermore, the place of Europe in the global economy is analyzed. The three centers of the global economy are compared – the EU, U.S. and East Asia (Japan China, Korea). The course studies the European Union's global competitiveness and the key competitive factors - size and homogeneity of the market, volume and norm of investments, innovations and the use of venture capital, and development of the human factor.

In the second part of the course, the functional aspects of the European economy are analyzed. The course focuses on the achievements and problems in the free movement of goods and services. Then are described the theoretical and practical effects of the free movement of capital and in particular, its influence on the development of intra-industry specialization in the EU. Attention is paid also to theoretical and practical aspects of free movement of labor, and to the problems of social policy and European social models. In this part of the course are presented some horizontal measures related to the single market - the protection of competition, the creation and development of the Eurozone, based on the common monetary policy.

The third part of the course is devoted to the structural processes. Firstly, it considers the modern redistributive mechanism of the EU, which is developed to fund EU structural measures. Then the course focuses on some sectoral aspects of the structural measures related to energy and environmental protection as well as to the Common Agricultural Policy. Furthermore, it examines the territorial aspect of EU structural measures aimed at enhancing the cohesion in the European economy. Finally, the course analyzes the impact of EU enlargement on cohesion and generally on the European economy.

3.  Languages of instruction: English



№ / TOPIC / Workload (hours) / Extra-
curricular workload
·  Definition and scope of the European Economy as a product of the European Integration
·  Phases, methods and principles of European Economic Integration
·  Formation and development of the single European economic area
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing presentations about the Marshall Plan, the European Coal and Steel Community, European Free Trade Association. / 4 / 2
·  General characteristics of the degree of development and of the dynamics of growth in Europe
·  The place of Europe (EU) in world trade in goods and services
·  Comparative analysis of the three centers of the world economy - the EU, the US and East Asia (Japan, China, Korea)
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing presentations about the place of the EU in world production and trade of cars, airplanes, and on the financial services market. / 4 / 2
·  Factor productivity. Evaluation of the global competitiveness of the EU.
·  Dimensions and homogeneity of the EU economy
·  Volume and rate of investment
·  Innovation and Venture Capital in the EU. Single European Information Space
·  Development of the human factor. Demographic problem and its economic effects
·  Lisbon strategy
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing presentations about the "Open Method of Coordination” in the Lisbon strategy, the renewed Lisbon Strategy, National Reform Program (2006 - 2009). Comparing the demographic situation in Bulgaria and the EU as a whole. / 4 / 2
·  From Customs Union to the single economic area
·  Establishment and development of free movement of goods. Global importance of the European experience
·  Economic and social effects
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing presentations about the European standardization organizations, the system of accreditation and conformity certification in Bulgaria, the participation of some Member States and Bulgaria in intra-industry trade in goods / 4 / 2
·  Importance of service sector in the EU
·  Establishment and development of free movement of services within the EU
·  Existing problems
·  Modern state of intra-union trade in services
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing presentations about the development of the intra-union trade in services by different service industries. / 4 / 2
·  Free movement of capital and economic growth – the Solow model
·  Dynamics and structure of capital flows in the EU
·  Economies of scale and intra-industry specialization in the EU
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing presentations about intra-industry specialization in the European economy and in particular in the European car and aerospace industry. / 4 / 2
·  Economic impacts of free movement of workers - model Heksher – Olin
·  Dynamics and structure of labor flows in the EU
·  European social models
·  Social dialogue and social policy in the EU
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing presentations about the European associations of trade unions, employers, farmers, and self-employed. / 4 / 2
·  Status and trends of demographic situation in the EU
·  Expected economic and social effects of demographic situation
·  Dimensions and dynamics of immigration flows
·  Economic and social effects of immigration in the EU
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing presentations about demographic development programs in some Member States / 4 / 2
9 /
·  Evolution of industrial policy in Europe, the transition from vertical to horizontal measures of influence
·  Legal and institutional framework of competition defense policy in the EU
·  Antitrust measures
·  Merger Control
·  Acceptable and unacceptable subsidies in the EU
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing presentations about important cases of sanctions imposed by the European Commission against cartel agreements, mergers and subsidies. / 4 / 2
10 / PROMOTION OF Entrepreneurship
·  Definition of small and medium size enterprise (SME) in the EU
·  Economic importance of SMEs in the EU
·  Social and political importance of SMEs in the EU
·  Tools and programs to promote SMEs in the EU
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing presentations about programs to promote SMEs in some Member States. / 4 / 2
11 / Redistribution of resources in THE EU
·  Preconditions and grounds for redistributive actions in the EU
·  EU Budget – a quasi federal budget. Comparative analysis of the EU budget and the budget of some large federal countries like USA and Germany
·  Major revenues and expenditures in the EU budget
·  Development of fiscal policy through the so-called financial frameworks
·  Tax policy and tax competition between Member States
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing presentations about EU Financial Framework 2007 - 2013, the new Financial Framework 2014-2020, and the National Strategic Reference Frameworks 2007 – 2013 and 2014-2020. / 4 / 2
·  Status of European energy. Measures to reduce energy dependence
·  Relationship between energy and environment. Measures arising from climate change
·  Waste management
·  Climate change and its impact on the EU economy
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing presentations about the production and consumption of energy in some Member States, comparing the situation there with the situation in Bulgaria. / 4 / 2
13 / Territorial ASPECT OF EU structural measures
·  Economic, social and territorial cohesion and dis-cohesion in the EU on national and regional level
·  Tools and programs for territorial structural measures
·  Cohesion policy in the context of the Lisbon strategy
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing presentations about the EU Regional policy institutional framework, TEN-T, TEN-E. / 4 / 2
14 / impact OF THE EASTERN ENLARGEMENT on European Economy
·  Cohesion and dis-cohesion in the European economy after the Eastern enlargement of the EU
·  The impact of Eastern enlargement on economic growth and global positioning of the EU
·  Expected effects on the European economy from further EU enlargements
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing presentations about the economic situation and development in main mew Member States and some candidate countries for EU membership. / 4 / 2
15 / BULGARIA IN THE European Economy
·  Bulgaria's share in the EU gross domestic product, production of goods and services and foreign trade
·  Bulgaria and the EU Lisbon Strategy
·  Bulgaria and the Agenda "Europe 2020".
Discussion on the topics presented above.
Hearing and discussing of presentations about the implementation of operational programs and the use of the European structural funds. / 4 / 2


·  Presentations prepared by the Power Point presentations program.

·  Use of multimedia illustrations from the Internet.

·  Providing links and sources for additional individual work of students on issues addressed in the classes.


·  Students prepare one essay (presentation) on a topic assigned by the instructor and related to any of the lecture topics.


·  Assessment is done by points, the maximum is 100.

·  Assessment of the abstract for individual work is 0 to 10 points.

·  Assessment of participation in discussions during the workshop is 0 to 10 points.

·  2 multiple choice tests – containing 4 options, one of which is true. Students can score 0 to 80 points.

·  The final mark is formed depending on the amount of accumulated points from the abstract, discussion and from the examination test by the following scale: 0 to 49 points - Poor / 2 /, 50 to 59 points - Average / 3 /, 60 to 69 points - Good / 4 /; from 70 to 79 points - Very good / 5 / and 80 to 100 points - Excellent / 6.

·  The final mark is between 2 and 6. The minimal mark to pass the exam and to complete successfully the course is “Average /3/”. Compliance with the assessments to the European system of credit transfer is as follows:

Excellent /6/ / Very good /5/ / Good /4/ / Average /3/ / Poor /2/
A / B / C / D / E / FX / F
Credits are awarded according to syllabus / No credits are awarded


The course provides knowledge about:

·  Theoretical proof of correlation and interconnection between economic integration, free movement of production factors, economic growth, employment and sustainable development in the European Union.

·  The mutual influences between cohesion within the European economy, social and ecological models applied in the European Union, redistribution mechanisms, and global competitiveness of the EU.

·  The mechanism of formulating and implementing specific structural policies, determining the status and dynamics of the European economy, including the economy of our country.

The course provides the following skills:

·  To assess correctly the contributions and the risks associated with making decisions and adopting regulations in the European Union, particularly in the area of the sectoral and regional structural measures.

·  To achieve a higher competitiveness of the economic subjects by a more precise orientation in the Single European Market and in the priorities of EU development. This will allow the Bulgarian companies to find appropriate niches for intra-industry specialization within the European economy.

The knowledge and skills acquired by the course "European Economy" is a prerequisite for a variety of other economic courses, connected with the European integration and with the international relations and for the career development of the students in EU institutions, companies and organizations, dealing with the EU.

Similar courses

The course “European Economy” or similar courses are offered at:

1.  Europa-Institut der Universität des Saarlandes, Germany

2.  Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany

3.  The European Institute, Washington, DC, USA


Type of classes/workload / Classes (hours) / Weekly classes (hours) / Extracurricular workload (hours) / Total
1.  Lectures
2.  Seminars / 60 / 4 / 30 / 90
3.  Laboratory
4.  Practical
5.  Coursework
6.  Abstract / 15 / 15
7.  Individual assignment
8.  Mid-semester exam/test
9.  Continuous assessment
10.  Exam / written / 15 / 15
Total / 60 / 4 / 60 / 120