Family Specialist Mastermind Meeting

June 9, 2015


1) Survey results

2) remember to complete your info sheet

3) remember to create your profile on NCDB site

Quote: shared by Jennifer about "Peace".

Successes Shared:

Mary: Her youngest got engaged.

Clara: NY is organizing a family retreat and there are 15 families coming so far!

Jennifer: family leadership conference- child care will happen through the university

Molly: highest amount of interest in family weekend ever

Patti: piggy back on Molly- excited about upcoming family conference. Zip file now done.

Edgenie: just wrapped up family leadership series and it was so fun!

Margaret: they are planning a transition workshop this fall and they plan to use ITTI webinars prior to build knowledge.

Megan: attendance at NFADB Board meeting

Pam: State-wide conference presentation called "Mom's to Mom's"

Deborah: her 18 year old son will graduate HS on June 15th!!!

Conversation Time:

Molly (PA): when completing APR they realized they were lacking data on how she and Patti support families. Clara mentioned they have an eval they send to the families about the totality of support they have provided as a project. Clara plans to send it to the group. Clara said the project sends it out every 6 months to the family and for those who speak Spanish, she calls and does a phone interview. Jennifer said they do something similar. They do an annual satisfaction survey and then also do a survey after each training. Jennifer plans to share her survey with the group as well. Megan will share data sheet for phone and e-mail calls used by the KS Family Specialist to track contact/ interaction.

Jennifer (MI): Large # of 0-3 referrals. Have used SPARKLE materials in the past and now since they have such a large group wondering if they should use SPARKLE Boot Camp format. PA and Clara created the BOOT CAMP training- it's a one day training. They feel that the vision and hearing pieces of SPARKLE are a little outdated and so they re-worked some of that and added some info about intervener supports. Patti will post the BOOT CAMP manual to the Mastermind space. Clara has done it with all ages and large and small groups. The last one they did was on a Sunday- need to be aware of the folks culture and determine best time to do the training. Add simulations to it. Clara will share the simulations they use- simulation goggles, spoken words were not allowed, have parents guide other parents. Simulations with food- texture and smell. Allow participants to feel toys and realize what their kids take in. Make the simulations as natural as possible. Edgenie- "Eye Play" is a great training they have in TX for ECH. She will share the info with the group.

Patti: The expense of family weekends are becoming a challenge- ordering food, etc. Edgenie said that they charge a registration fee. In NY they have an allocation called CCT (Conditional Cash Transfer) and they can use it for training. In KS they reimburse families for SPARKLE training. Donations- check and see if you can get them. Possibly try or work with someone who has a non-profit. OR allow folks branding to appear on your flyer if they donate items.

Molly: Advice on ITTI Initiative- Clara said she would help share the info with the group. Next year there will be six webinars that occur every 6 weeks. Megan will share action planning form with the group that they used in KS. Webinars are live but also archived. It is better to try to target younger students- 14 year olds. The timeline was super helpful to the folks in PA and the teams thought the PCP was the most important thing they did. In FLA they did it as well and getting the commitment from the parent and school was critical but it was awesome for all. Clara says that the follow up with the parents is VITAL. Megan will get Mary Espinola into the ITTI work group on the NCDB site.


Megan: Excited about all the family activities going on in the nation. Will share the excel sheet we used in KS.

Margaret: Excited about the funding conversation & will explore new ideas for funding.

Patti: Loved the sharing today & she will search her files for SPARKLE Bootcamp and post it

Edgenie: Looking forward to seeing sample evals that folks are going to share. Commitment- she will get Jennifer in contact with Eye Play and will post simulation ideas.

Molly: Always knew there were creative solutions and thrilled to know she can come to this meeting to ask. Commitment- she will report back to tell everyone how the new ideas helped her.

Jennifer- huge appreciation for ideas shared regarding 0-3 training. Commitment- to use info shared in her planning for the training.

Mary (NC): inspiration for training ideas and her commitment is to get with Jennifer about Child Care for family events & read info that gets posted.

Clara: She's going to get in touch with Jennifer to share info with her about CEC Conference. Commitment is to put aside 1-2 hrs a week to go through the NCDB groups and share/ learn.

Pam: Appreciation for everyone in the group. Commitment to look at the notes.

Heather Joy (AZ): How awesome everyone is and her gratitude for the group. Commitment is to read through the Mastermind Group and reading all the notes.

Deborah: Wants to learn about "Eye Play" and learn about funding issues with OSEP.


Deborah: She loves her job and she's at peace with her child.

Heather Joy: She plays the flute and she wants to bring more music into her home & share music with others in the community.

Megan: Happy about the relationship she had maintained with her daughter's biological mother.

Patti: Chosen Career= Ballerina and teaches dance. Given Career= DB

Edgenie: Last night she intended to go to bed early and instead she had a group of kids hanging out in her house. She's a mom of 3 boys and enjoys having girls there too.

Margaret: She tries to be in the moment and enjoy things as they are happening.

Molly: She appreciates that her son is still her motivation and the reason she can get up in the morning and she's been a good friend to other Mom's who have had similar loss.

Mary: WOW it's amazing how much we all have in common. Emily is her inspiration and she sees her life as a gift. She also plays the flute!

Pam: Sometimes she has to calm herself down because she loves to learn.

Jennifer: She likes to try new things.

Clara: Appreciates her age- there's a time when you become comfortable in your own skin and she's there!

NEXT CALL:July 14th is the next call.