County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing

RFP No. 900676, Addendum No. 1

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March 29, 2010





RFP No. 900676


Medical Consulting and Quality Assurance Review

Specification Clarification/Modification and Recap of the Networking/Bidders Conferences

Held on March 10, 2010 and March 11, 2010


Notice to Bidders

This County of Alameda, General Services Agency (GSA), RFP Addendum has been electronically issued to potential bidders via e-mail. E-mail addresses used are those in the County’s Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Vendor Database or from other sources. If you have registered or are certified as a SLEB please ensure that the complete and accurate e-mail address is noted and kept updated in the SLEB Vendor Database. This RFP Addendum will also be posted on the General Services Agency (GSA) Contracting Opportunities website located at

The following Sections have been modified to read as shown below. Changes from the version that was originally included with the RFP are indicated in strikeout for deletions and bold for additions as shown below.

Responses to Written Questions

Q1)  Would the County consider a review of its prescription drug prescribing patterns or other consultation on reducing prescription drug costs as part of the scope of work?

A1)  Prison Health Services (PHS) subcontracts with Maxor to provide County jail inmates with prescription medications. Maxor is continually reviewing medications versus cost at their level. Consultation in this area would not be part of the scope of work for the selected contractor.

Q2)  How does the Alameda County Sheriff Office (ACSO) procure prescription drugs for County jail inmates?

A2)  Maxor is responsible for the pharmacy needs of all County Jail inmates.

Q3)  How does the Alameda County Sheriff Office (ACSO) procure mental health services for County jail inmates?

A3)  Mental health services are provided by a County mental health organization called Criminal Justice Mental Health.

Q4)  Have mental health services been provided before, or is this a new function?

A4)  This is not a new function. Mental health services have been provided to County jail inmates for over ten years.

Responses to Verbal Questions

Q5)  Are there any plans to make the function being filled by this RFP internal rather than subcontracting out?

A5)  No, there are no plans to make the function being filled by this RFP an internal position.

Q6)  Was this RFP bid initiated because of a particular event or problem?

A6)  There was no particular event or problem that prompted this request for proposal. The Board of Supervisors requires that medical services be evaluated on a regular basis. The current contract has been in place since July 1, 2007.

Q7)  Is there a list of potential certified local, small and emerging businesses?

A7)  There is database of vendors on the County’s website at: Please note that when reviewing vendors on this list there will be either an “S” or and “E” in the column marked S/E. One of these must be present in order to verify that the vendor has been certified as a Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB).

Q8)  Are there specific areas that could be improved in the current provision of care?

A8)  Part of the scope of work for the selected contractor is to make recommendations on how care can be improved and discuss the areas identified for improvement with Alameda County Sheriff Office (ACSO) and Prison Health Service (PHS).

Q9)  What is the status of this labor strike?

A9)  The labor strike between Service Employee International Union (SEIU) and Prison Health Services (PHS) is ongoing.

Q10)  How the labor strike is going to affect County inmate medical care?

A10)  Continued medical care for the inmates has not been an issue.

Q11)  Is the County a party to the labor strike?

A11)  No, the County is not a party to the labor strike. The labor issues are between Prison Health Service (PHS) and the Service Employee International Union (SEIU).

Q12)  What is the estimated number of inpatient admissions per month between the two County facilities?

A12)  Admissions are estimated at an average of 18 per month.

Q13)  What is the estimated number of people seen per month between the two County facilities?

A13)  The medical departments at the two County facilities see approximately 17, 586 people per month.

Q14)  What is the estimated number of emergency runs per month between the two County facilities?

A14)  There are approximately 20 trips from the two County facilities per month.

Q15)  What is the estimated number of number of deaths occurring at County prison jail?

A15)  Averages of 8 people per year over each of the last three years have died in custody at County jail facilities.

Q16)  Does this contract include mental health services?

A16)  No, this contract does not include mental health services.

Q17)  Please explain the First Source program

A17)  Please refer to Section W, County Provisions, paragraph 3, page 26 of 29.

Q18)  How does the online contract compliance system work?

A18)  Please refer to Section X, Online Contract Compliance System, page 27 of 29.

Q19)  The RFP indicates in Section E. Specific Requirements, paragraphs 2 a, 5 f, and 5 h, that the contractor will review the administration of Public Health Services contract and its performance. Will the contractor have access to Public Health Services policies, procedures, and a copy of its contract with the County?

A19)  The contractor will have access, as necessary, to monitor care provided to the inmates.

Q20)  The RFP states that the contractor will attend certain meetings. If known, when are these typically scheduled?

A20)  One is the fourth Tuesday of every month, another is the third Wednesday of every month, and another is the third Thursday of every month. A quarterly schedule of meetings for the year is generally set in December. The dates are usually set a year in advance. The annual meeting with the Board of Supervisors is generally held in December.

Q21)  Please confirm the estimated three year quantity of 720 hours stated on Exhibit B.

A21)  Yes, that is correct.

Q22)  In Section G. Deliverables/Reports on page 10 of 29, the RFP states the contractor will provide some reports. Could the Alameda County Sheriff Office (ACSO) provide samples or templates for these reports?

A22)  Yes

Q23)  The RFP states that the contractor will review the audits of medical records at the County jails. Is there another contractor performing auditing services?

A23)  Yes, there is another contractor performing auditing services.

Q24)  Would the contractor awarded under this RFP be reviewing the overall quality of care at County jail facilities?

Q25)  Yes, the contractor awarded a contract as a result of this RFP would be reviewing the overall quality of care.

Q26)  Will the contractor rely on data generated by another contractor performing auditing services?

Q27)  No, the contractor will not rely on data generated by another contractor.

Q28)  Will there be any overlap between these two contractors?

Q29)  There may be some overlap of resources and reporting.

A29)  Has there been any conflict between the Alameda County Sheriff Office (ACSO) and Public Health Service (PHS)?

A29)  There has been no conflict between the Alameda County Sheriff Office (ACSO) and Public Health Service (PHS). The Alameda County Service Office (ACSO) has a good working relationship with Public Health Service (PHS).

A29)  Are there any policy changes being considered that may strain the workforce at the County jail facilities?

A29)  No, there is no new policy changes anticipated.

Q30)  Are jail inmates only evaluated, and then sent to hospitals for acute care for everything except ambulatory care?

A30)  Yes, however, the medical facilities at County jails also have cancer patients and a dialysis unit.

Q31)  Are County jail physicians available after business hours?

A31)  Yes, County jail physicians are available until approximately 11:00 pm. After 11:00 pm they are available by phone.

Q32)  How would the contractor obtain access to records for chart reviews?

A32)  The contractor would ask for records they wish to review after arriving on site.

Q33)  Are medical records stored offsite?

A33)  Some medical records are stored at the County Jail facilities. Others are managed at an off-site storage facility. Charts are returned to site as needed.

Q34)  Are inmates given all medications they request?

A34)  No, inmates are given only medications required for their long term health.

Q35)  The Primary Care Model is a tool for improving quality. This tool includes formal interdisciplinary meetings daily, weekly or monthly. Do the County jails have a system where mental health, dental and medical personnel interact on a formal basis?

A35)  Yes, there is a meeting once a month where personnel from the mental health and medical departments meet to discuss any concerns they may have. That includes both the Santa Rita Jail and the Glenn E. Dyer detention facility.

Q36)  Have there been occasions when inmates are injured by other inmates?

A36)  Yes, there have been physical confrontations between inmates as in any jail.

Q37)  Please identify any communication problems or areas of possible improvement between contractors, Public Health Service (PHS) and the Alameda County Sheriff Office (ACSO).

A37)  There have been no communication problems among these parties.

Q38)  Will the contractor interact with Public Health Service (PHS) personnel?

A38)  Yes, the contractor will interact with the Public Health Service (PHS) Medical Director, Medical Administrator and Physicians.

Q39)  How old is the jail?

A39)  It was completed in September 1989.

Q40)  Will the contractor be required to pass a security clearance?

A40)  Yes.

Q41)  Will contractors have access to policies and procedures?

A41)  Yes, contractors may be briefed on policies and procedures.

Q42)  Will the contractor have access to staffing schedules and credentialing?

A42)  As needed for review.

Q43)  May a bidder submit a bid without intending to subcontract?

A43)  Yes, the bidder must state on Exhibit I all bidders’ exceptions to the bid requirements. Although subcontracting to a Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) vendor is a requirement for the bid if the prime bidder is not Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB), a bidder may request that this requirement be waived. However, if another prime bidder agrees to subcontract to a Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) vendor, they will have an advantage.

Q44)  Approximately how many inmates are transported to hospitals versus how many are admitted to hospitals from the County jails? 2009.

A44)  The number of inmates transported to a hospital and the number of inmates admitted to hospitals may not be the same. For 2009 – EMS 109, Deputy 140 and Admitted in-patients 215.

Q45)  Are inmate deaths public information?

A45)  Yes, it is public information.

Q46)  If a contractor does not anticipate hiring additional personnel, is the contractor required to sign and submit the Exhibit H, First Source Agreement with its bid submission?

A46)  Yes, the County requires that the First Source exhibit be signed in all cases.

Q47)  How will cost be weighted in the evaluation of bids?

A47)  Cost is weighted 20 out of 100 points. See Section M for a complete description of the evaluation process. Please refer to Section M, Page 18 of 29, Item E.

Q48)  Would the contractor assist Public Health Service (PHS) and the Alameda County Sheriff Office (ACSO) in terms of self-evaluation, setting up processes, based on observations and ongoing evaluation of systems of care?

A48)  Yes, the contractor will evaluate the processes of medical care and make recommendations.

Q49)  How does a bidder prepare a bid?

A49)  Exhibit M Check List is provided to aid the bidder with their bid response. The County requires each item requested. All documents should be assembled in a binder with section dividers.

Q50)  Exhibit M, Section G, Financial Statements, page 2 of 4, states:

“Bidder’s most recent Dun & Bradstreet Supplier Evaluation Report. Dun & Bradstreet Supplier Qualifier Report (formerly Supplier Evaluation Report) must be ranked a 6 or lower for bidder to be considered for contract award. For information on how to obtain a Supplier Evaluation Report, contact Dun & Bradstreet at 1-866-719-7158 or”

Is it necessary to contact Dun & Bradstreet to obtain this report?

A50)  Yes. The bidder may contact Dun & Bradstreet via the internet at or by telephone.

The following participants attended the Bidders’ Conferences:

Company Name / Representative / Contact Information
Health Management Associates
555 Capitol Mall #260
Sacramento, CA 95814 / Pedram Shawd, MD / Phone: (818) 665-8687
Prime Contractor: Yes
Certified SLEB: No
Health Management Associates
555 Capitol Mall #260
Sacramento, CA 95814 / Brenda G. KLlutz / Phone: (916) 446-4601
Prime Contractor: Yes
Certified SLEB: No
Calvin B. Benton, MD
3031 Telegraph Ave. #217
Berkeley, CA 94705 / Calvin B. Benton, MD / Phone: (510) 568-6743
Prime Contractor: Yes
Certified SLEB: No
Prime Contractor:
Certified SLEB:


RFP No. 900676, Addendum No. 1

The County of Alameda is soliciting bids from qualified vendors to furnish its requirements per the specifications, terms and conditions contained in the above referenced RFP number. This Bid Acknowledgement must be completed, signed by a responsible officer or employee, dated and submitted with the bid response. Obligations assumed by such signature must be fulfilled.

1.  Preparation of bids: (a) All prices and notations must be printed in ink or typewritten. No erasures permitted. Errors may be crossed out and corrections printed in ink or typewritten adjacent and must be initialed in ink by person signing bid. (b) Quote price as specified in RFP. No alterations or changes or any kind shall be permitted to Exhibit B, Bid Form. Responses that do not comply shall be subject to rejection in total.

2.  Failure to bid: If you are not submitting a bid but want to remain on the mailing list and receive future bids, complete, sign and return this Bid Acknowledgement and state the reason you are not bidding.