Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

Work Plan 2007/08 (As of 12 September 2007)

Item / Description / Responsible Officer /Member / Notes
Wednesday 10 October 2007 at 2.00pm at the Civic Centre – deadline for items 4 October 2007
Respect agenda and behaviour Strategy / Agree terms of reference for piece of work , project plan etc / Peter Kidd
Outcome of school inspections / Report on the outcome of school ofsted inspections since autumn 05 / John Stephens/Cllr Warmisham
Wednesday 14 November 2007 at 2.00pm at the Civic centre – deadline for items 7 November 2007
Respect agenda and behaviour Strategy / Meeting to be used to inform the piece of work looking at the respect agenda and Behaviour strategy / Peter Kidd
Wednesday 12 December 2007 at 2.00pm at the Civic centre – deadline for items 5 December 2007
Respect agenda and behaviour Strategy / Meeting to be used to inform the piece of work looking at the respect agenda and Behaviour strategy / Peter Kidd
Wednesday 9 January 2008 at 2.00pm at the Civic Centre – deadline for items 19 December 2007
Final report – respect agenda and behaviour strategy / Key findings and recommendations from the 3 month piece of work undertaken . / Peter Kidd
Building Schools for the Future and Private Finance Initiative – Update / Update to be given on the latest position in relation to Building Schools for the future and PFI and to incorporate information on trends in vacant spaces and oversubscribed schools. / Mike Hall/Cllr Warmisham
Wednesday 13 February 2008 at 2.00pm at the Civic centre – deadline for items 6 February 2008
Transition from Children’s Services to adult services / The Community, Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee undertook a review of how well services in Salford are meeting the needs of people with a physical or sensory disability. The review found that transition from children’s and adult services can be an issue and also that work, college and training opportunities for young disabled people are limited. As these issues were outside the scope of this review they referred this issue to the children’s services scrutiny committee for further investigation
In addition the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee have looked at services for looked after children and also found that there are issues relating to the transition from children’s to adult services - the philosophy of provision when under 18 is very different to becoming an adult living in the community. Members were concerned about how some young people will manage when directed towards the care in the community approach. Concerns were raised that we institutionalise children in their care placements which makes their transition harder.
In addition young people with mental health problems are staying too long in residential units because of a lack of appropriate care package from adult services.
Baseline information to be provided at the meeting explaining the current process and policies in place in relation to the transition from Children’s Services to adult services for looked after children and young people with a physical or sensory disability. / Paul WoltmanJulia Clarke/
Scrutiny team
Wednesday 12March 2008 at 2.00pm at the Civic Centre – deadline for agenda items 12.00noon 5 March 2008
Transition from Children’s Services to Adult services / Meeting to be used to inform the piece of work / Paul Woltman/ scrutiny team
Monitoring recommendations from the Teenage Pregnancy work / Report on the progress of the actioning of the recommendations arising from the teenage pregnancy piece of work undertaken by this scrutiny committee / Paul Woltman/Cllr Warmisham
Wednesday 9 April 2008 at 2pm at the Civic Centre – deadline for agenda items 12.00noon 2 April 2008
Transition from Children’s Services to Adult services / Meeting to be used to inform the piece of work / Paul Woltman/Peter Kidd
Wednesday 14 May 2008 at 2pm at the Civic Centre – deadline for agenda items 12.00noon 7 May 2008
Transition from Children’s Services to Adult services / Key findings and recommendations from the 3 month piece of work undertaken / Scrutiny team
Wednesday 11 June 2008 at 2pm at the Civic Centre – deadline for agenda items 12.00noon 4 June 2008
Young people, obesity and a healthier lifestyle / To monitor progress of the recommendations made in relation to young people, obesity and a healthier lifestyle / Janice Lownes/Paul Greenway

Ongoing work

Corporate Parenting Commission / To monitor the recommendations from the Corporate Parenting Commission / Scrutiny team/Cllr Pennington / Monitoring report expected
Suggested topics to be timetabled in consultation with Councillor Pennington
Involvement of children and young people in local decision making / Members of the scrutiny committee to meet with a group of young people at the Beacon Centre – meeting to be arranged by the scrutiny team in consultation with Members / Scrutiny team/Cath Connor/Cllr Warmisham
Understanding of local area agreements / Training to be provided for members on the local area agreement and how scrutiny can use it to make a difference / Karen Dainty
Sport activities/lessons available in schools including swimming activities / Members keen to receive information on the type of sporting activity available in Salford schools, how much activity is provided, what is offered for those children and young people who aren’t keen on the ‘traditional’ sport activities etc. Also how the authority works with community organisations/sports clubs to enhance activities available.
Oral health Issues and access to NHS Dentistry for young people / Impact on dental health for young people who will not receive free NHS care once they reach 16-19
Information items
Annual report on the trends in vacant spaces and oversubscribed schools / Available September each year / Lesley Taylor – Commissioning Manager Children’s services
Attendance levels at secondary schools / Available October each year / Lesley Taylor – Commissioning Manager
Key stage 3 and 4 results / Available October each year / Jill Baker
GCSE and A-Level Results / Available August each year / Jill Baker
Role of the education psychologist service / Request for information on the education psychologist service in Salford / Peter Kidd/Paul Woltman / Information item – Paul Woltman preparing information
Chair / Councillor Bernard Pennington / 0161 790 4181
Vice Chair / Councillor James Hulmes / 0161 792 9836
Scrutiny Support Officer / Amanda Carbery / 0161 793 3316