Acts 18

Scripture: Acts 18:1-28

Memory Verse: “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7

Lesson Focus: God’s power is seen through everyone in the church!

Activities and Crafts: Coloring Page, Word Search and Craft for 1st and 2nd:

1st and 2nd Craft: Earthen Vessels: Give each of the kids the verse page, a treasure box and they can pick out a boy or girl. Tell them to cut out their treasure box and to color their boy or girl to look like them. They will then glue their treasure box to the sheet and put their boy or girl picture inside the treasure box. (make sure that they only glue the outside of the treasure box.) Tell them that we are the treasure that God uses to tell others about Jesus. God gives us the words and the power to say the right thing. (the Bible verse at the bottom of the page is written in the original language (Greek) and in English.)

Introduction: 1s-2nd may do this at any time: (3rd-5th Teachers: Do this before we go to large group.)

Scripture Scramble Game: Cut out each of the words of the memory verse at the end of this lesson. Scramble the words on the floor. Write out the verse on the board. Tell the kids that they need to work together to put the verse in the proper order. Once they have the verse in the right order ask them the following questions:

1.  Was it hard to put the verse in the right order?

2.  Why was it hard?

3.  How did you make it work?

Tell the kids: it was hard to put this verse in the proper order because many of you did not know the verse and had to keep looking at the board to figure out what came next. The other hard thing is that you all had to work together or as a team to put the verse together. In today’s lesson we will see how the 1st church had to work together by everyone doing the part that God had for them to do. These first Christians used their individual gifts to help God’s work go forward. Everybody had a part to play. The first Church also had to know the Word so that they could effectively communicate God’s truth. As they grew in their faith God gave them the power to be effective witnesses for Him.

Bible Lesson:

Acts 18:1

√ What city did Paul go to next? (Corinth)

√ Is there a book in the New Testament written to the people in this city? (Corinthians)

Have the kids look up 1 Corinthians 1:2 and read it.

In chapter 18 of Acts we read of some of things that Paul did while he was in Corinth. But in the book of Corinthians we see how Paul wrote to the church there and advised them on some things that they needed to change. We see Paul helping them to grow in the Word. Even though Paul wrote these letters to specific churches, the things he wrote to Corinth still apply to us. We need to hear the same things.

(Corinth is a very immoral city. It was filled with sin.)

Acts 18:2-3:

√ Who does Paul meet in Corinth? (Aquila and Priscilla)

√ With names like that which one is the girl and which one is the boy? (Priscilla is the women and Aquila is the man.)

√ Why did Paul stay with them? (They were in the same trade)

√ What trade did they both do? (tentmakers)

√ Why did Paul have to work? (Paul worked to provide his own physical needs and for those around him. Acts 20:34)

Acts 18:4-5:

√What did Paul do every Sabbath? (reasoned with the Jews)

√ What do you think Paul was reasoning with them about? (Jesus)

√ Who did Paul persuade? (both Jews and Greeks)

√ What message did Paul share in verse 5? (That Jesus is the Christ.)

Acts 18:6:

√ Did they like his message? (No, they opposed him.)

√ How did Paul respond to them not liking his message? (He shook his garments and was not offended) Paul did what God wanted him to do. It was not his fault that they did not listen.

√ If we share Jesus with others will they always like what we say? Do we still do it?

Acts 18:7-11:

√ Who does Paul stay with? (Justus)

√ Where did Justus happen to live? (next door to the synagogue) Do you think that was an accident?

√ Who believed Paul’s message? (Crispus and his household and many Corinthians.)

√ What did God tell Paul in a vision:

1.  Do not be afraid

2.  Do not be silent (speak)

3.  I am with you

4.  No one will hurt you (right now)

5.  There are many people in Corinth that belong to God

1 Corinthians 2:3-4 “I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power.”

√ Why do you think Paul got this vision from God? (he must have been discouraged.)

Paul was not perfect. He grew discouraged…he was afraid to speak at times…he thought that his words were simple and not fancy. But God used him. When we let God work in our lives, it is God who does the work through us.

√ How long did Paul stay in Corinth? (1 year and 6 months)

√ Why did God have Paul stay so long? (Paul was making disciples and helping the church to grow.)

Acts 18:12-17:

√ Why did the Jews bring Paul to the judgment seat?

√ Did Paul have to defend himself?

√ Why did Gallio not judge Paul?

Acts 18:18-21:

√ Why did Paul not stay long in Ephesus? (we don’t know, but He was following the Lord’s leading. He said he would return “God willing?)

√ What does “God willing” mean? (we follow the Lord’s leading)

√ How do we follow God’s leading?

Acts 18:22-28:

√ What was Paul doing every where he went? (strengthening all the disciples)

√ Who did they meet in Ephesus? (Apollos)

√ How does the Bible describe Apollos?

1.  A Jew born in Alexandria

2.  Eloquent (means that he spoke well)

3.  He spoke with great fervor (literally means “burning” or “boiling hot.” Apollos was on fire speaking about the things of the Lord.)

4.  “Mighty in the Scriptures” (He understood the Bible)

5.  He spoke and taught accurately the things of the Lord.

√ What was Apollo’s problem?

He only knew the baptism of John. Apollo did not know Jesus!

√ What did the church do about Apollo?

Aquila and Priscilla heard him and took him aside and told him about Jesus. They helped him understand the completion of John’s work through Jesus. John pointed to Jesus and Jesus was our Savior.

√ What does the last verse of chapter 18 say about Apollos? (He vigorously refuted the Jews showing from the Bible that Jesus is the Christ.)


We see in chapter 18 of Acts how God is working through many people in the Church to get His work done. Each one had a part to play and gifts to use from the Holy Spirit. But no one could do it without God’s power through the Holy Spirit.

So What?

1.  Our memory verse tells us that God uses us to do His work on earth?

2.  How does God use us?

3.  Who give us the power to do God’s work?

4.  Do we have to use fancy words to tell other’s about Jesus?

5.  What would you tell someone about Jesus?