EQL Level 3 Certificate in Coaching Western Riding (Advanced Western)

Topic / Areas to be covered.
Prepare to ride / Leading and turning. Check and adjust tack, stirrups, reins correctly.
Mounting/ dismount / Preparation for mounting. Mounting. Preparation for dismount. Dismount.
Riding position / Correct position in the saddle. Basic suppleness as required in the riding position. Rhythm and balance through turns and circles. Hand/rein position. Balance, security, straightness with and without stirrups in all three gaits. Co-ordinated aids when riding with the reins in one hand. Knowledge of correct rein carriage with various bits and bridles.
Warm-up for horse / Free Walk, jog and lope in straight lines and large circles. Suppling exercises to include control of hip and shoulder movement and lateral and horizontal flexion.
Natural aids / Leg, hand, seat, voice. Co-ordinated aid application. Preparation for transitions. Forward riding. Correct and appropriate rein contact.
Artificial aids / Spurs. Correct and appropriate use of the spur. Correct use of riding crop in English classes
Effective riding / Recognise correct sequence of footfalls in walk, jog and lope. Fluent, unconstrained work of the horse. Recognise leads in lope. Correct shaped circles. Riding patterns accurately. Transitions. Turn on forehand. Turn on haunches. Lateral movements. Speed control in all 3 gaits. Correct stop and back up. Flying lead changes. Carriage and appropriate speed required in different western and English classes. Riding complex patterns including multiple lope overs, etc. Ringcraft
Riding in the open / Balance and security in walk, jog & lope when riding over undulating ground. Correct application of aids when riding over undulating ground. Additional safety measures required.
Introduction to Trail obstacles / Gates, bridges, sidepass-pole; walk, jog and lope over poles, turn-around in box, backup, back through cones, serpentines. More complex trail manoeuvres, ie raised poles, multiple lope overs, combinations.
Lunging and Round-pen work / Working horse and rider on lunge and in round pen. Correct use and fitting of equipment. Handling equipment. Procedures and method. Safety.
Cool/Warm-down horse / Stretching down in trot. Free walk. Recognising signs of recovery, respiration rates, cool and dry horse.
Tack and saddlery / Tack up and untack. Safety checks on tack. Fitting various nosebands, martingales, breastplates, protective boots and training aids. Fitting lunge tack. Fitting saddles, pads and blankets. Knowledge and use of various western bits and bridles and their actions. Fitting and suitability of English tack for English classes.
Health & Safety / Safe riding in company. Rules for riding in enclosed areas with others. Arena etiquette. Rules for riding in the open alone, with others. Rules for riding on the highway alone, with others. Safe tack & saddlery First aid procedures, reporting. Appropriate dress, working with horses, riding.
Showmanship Class / How to perform the required manoeuvres.
Western Classes / Knowledge of class procedures, judging system and what the judge is looking for in horsemanship, trail, western riding, pleasure, reining and English classes such as hunter under saddle, hunt seat equitation, etc. Basic knowledge of cow classes, eg working cow horse, cutting, etc.
First aid procedure / Awareness and basic knowledge of what to do in the case of a fall, wounds, shock, sprains & strains, fractures, head injuries, internal injuries, spinal/ pelvic injuries. Burns. Poisons. Asthma, Anaphylactic shock.
Basic knowledge of equine behaviour/ psychology / Natural lifestyle. Indications of nervousness, excitement. Safe methods of handling. Recognising and dealing with anti social behaviour when ridden in company.
Equine anatomy/ physiology / Knowledge of the points of the horse, digestive system, muscular/skeletal system, external structure and function of the horse’s foot. Recognising the well-shod/maintained foot, signs of distress, lameness and ill health.
Suitability of horses / Type, fitness and condition, equine behaviour. Suitability for purpose.
General Knowledge / Member bodies of the BEF their function and purpose
Sports coaching methodology. History and evolution of western riding. Knowledge of NRHA, AQHA and BR rulebooks.

G/exams/ukcc/western riding/western technical syllabus Level 3