Chapter 7: Ethnicity

1. Define ethnicity:______

2. List the four ethnicities mentioned in your text and list their regional location and percentage of the U.S. population:

Ethnicity / Region / % in U.S.

3.List the two cities where African Americans are concentrated, along with their percent of population.

City / % of population

4. List three cities where Hispanics are concentrated and give the percentage of population they make up there:

City / % of population

5. Describe major migration patterns of African-Americans that have shaped their current distribution in the U.S:

Migration Pattern / When did it happen? / Describe the why. / Explain the effect on ethnic distribution
Forced migration from Africa
Immigration to the North
Expansion of the Ghetto

6. Contrast ethnicity and race: ______


7.Explain the following:

Plessy vs. Ferguson: ______


Brown vs. Board of Education: ______


White Flight:______


Blockbusting: ______


8.Explain two ways apartheid in South Africawas similar to race practices in the U.S.prior to the 1960s. 1.______


9. Explain two ways apartheid was different:



10. Describe the “dismantling of apartheid.” ______



11. Contrast nationality and ethnicity:______


12. Why did most 19th century immigrants to the U.S. identify themselves by their ethnicity?:______


13. Define the following:



Nation-State (Give an example):______


Nationalism: ______


Centripetal Force (Give an example):______


Centrifugal Force (Give an example):______


14. The former Soviet Union was a prominent example of a multinational state. Define multinational state and explain how this term applies to the former Soviet Union______



15. Fill in the chart below as you read using the headings:

Heading / Key Points (at least three)
New Baltic Nation-States
New European Nation-States
New Central Asian States
Russia: Largest Multinational state and Russians in other states.

16. Explain the turmoil in the Caucasus region: ______




17. Who are:

The Azeries:

The Armenians:

The Georgians:

18. Why has there been a rebirth of nationalism in Eastern Europe? ______




17. Explain the origin of the conflict in Sudan: ______



18. Explain the origin of the conflict in Somalia:______



19. Why was there ethnic conflict in Ethiopia and Eritrea?______



20. Complete the following while you read the subsections in your book:

Subheading / Explain IN DETAIL what is going on. Try to do this using as many of your own words as possible… do not just copy text straight from the book (especially if you don’t understand it!)
Ethnic competition in Lebanon.
Dividing ethnicities in South Asia
Sri Lanka

Key Issue 4: What is Ethnic Cleansing?

21. Define ethnic cleansing:______



22. Describe the ethnic diversity in the former Yugoslavia: ______






23. What is Balkanization? ______


24. Describe what happened in Central Africa (when, who vs. who, why, outcome, etc.): ______






Now go back and answer each of the key issues in YOUR OWN WORDS. Try not to use your notes…this is the true test as to whether or not you understand it!!! Use as much VOCAB as you can!!!!

1. Where are ethnicities distributed?

2. Why have ethnicities been transformed into nationalities?

3. Why do ethnicities clash?

4. What is ethnic cleansing?