Mindset PLC Discussion Notes

January 12, 2015

Data Trends / Brainstorm Ideas
1st Period
·  Attendance impact – students lose hope
·  Skewed distribution – there is no bell curve
·  Difference in IB prep grades and non IB prep grades in English
·  Exceptional education students attend school less / ·  Pull individual attendance of students and have a class discussion
·  Pull class attendance data and grades to review as a class
·  Look at number of missing assignments and affect on grades
·  Teacher addresses attendance with individual students upon their return. Let them know it is nice to see them back, etc.
2nd Period
·  Lower attendance means lower grades
·  All As are above 90% attendance
·  More As in fine arts and IB Prep English
·  English there are more Fs than As and Bs combined
·  Junior failures in English
·  40% of sophomores failed geometry
·  60% of 9th graders earned Ds/Fs in Algebra / ·  Look at fine arts and IB prep to help with math failures
·  Set the expectation that all classes are advanced classes and give the students something to live up to
·  Change the mindset from “I can’t” to “I’ll try” in math and art
·  Impress upon students the process is more important than the product
·  Get students to be here at school. Send letters home about attendance; administrators have conversations with incoming students regarding attendance, etc.
·  Provide parent workshops to help them know what to do to help their students.
3rd Period
·  There is a fish bell curve in English and math with a curve up at the end where there are Fs
·  Higher failure rate in geometry than in algebra
·  71% of geometry students have Ds and Fs
·  Positive correlation between attendance and failure
·  ¼ of seniors failed math and English. What do we do for these students?
·  More failures in core classes than electives / ·  Relate what we are teaching to jobs and real life
·  English has options to choose at different grade levels
·  Students fail algebra and then move to geometry, etc. Students need to learn the basics first and then go on. Can we change the system?
·  Have supports for students in math
4th Period
·  Fine Arts the F and attendance rates relate
·  Lower grades correlate to lower attendance rates
·  Core classes versus elective classes – the grade curve seems to be opposite each other
·  Science seems to have many Bs and Fs
·  In Exceptional Education there is a significant difference between the number of As (187) and the number of Fs (6) / ·  Need to work on attendance maybe with implementation of rewards
·  The attendance appeals data would be interesting to review with respect to grade information
·  Scaffolding – maybe summer programs
·  Boot camp for Mindset in the summer
·  Focus on learning and not letter grades
·  Boost intrinsic motivation
·  Go over data with kids in an assembly
5th Period
·  Great attendance means great grades
·  Small N values change the data
·  Geometry and Algebra attendance is good on the whole
·  In PE and Fine Arts there is a strong correlation to attendance and grades.
·  IB Prep Geometry has 87% attendance and a high failure rate
·  IB Prep English and non IB Prep English have a significantly different number of students getting As
·  English 11 less As than English 12 / ·  Investigate ways to improve attendance
·  Make connections with students in the classroom
·  Build relationships with students
·  Get students to class on time – all teachers have to be on board
·  There needs to be a consistency to the grading system
6th Period
·  Higher attendance rate means higher passing rate across the board
·  High number of Fs in senior English and math, what do we do with these seniors to get them to graduate?
·  There is a reverse trend between the IB English and non IB English. The grade distribution is the opposite from one to the other. / ·  Get a message to students about purpose. For example, hang a graduation gown in the room at semester and say to seniors that the teacher is ready for graduation, are you?
·  Address placement of students into classes. Example, in world languages students that do not pass the first level and register for second level
·  Start fresh second semester. Review the data with students from first semester and make changes/adjustments for second semester
7th Period
·  Attendance for students with Fs is under 90%
·  Attendance for students with As is over 90%
·  There is a correlation between attendance and grades
·  Fine arts has 50% students with As
·  More Fs than Ds for Fine Arts
·  More Fs than Ds in Math
·  Majority get Cs and Ds in most classes
·  Look at the data for the quarter versus the semester to see if there is a difference up or down in grades
·  Least amount of As in math / ·  Improve attendance and tardies through implementation of policy, systems, rewards, etc.
·  Incentives to stay in class such as bonus cards
·  Examine grading systems and weighting
·  Advisory period to allow students the time to get help