The Board of Supervisors of the Town of Cross Plains held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, July 11, 2016 in the Community Center, 3734 County Road P, Cross Plains following public hearing. Notice of the meeting was published in the July 7, 2016 issues of the Mt Horeb Mail and the News-Sickle-Arrow. The agenda was posted at the Community Center, the Town Garage and at the Town’s website on June 30, 2016. Board Members Greg Hyer, Vera Riley, Jeff Baylis, Greg Haack, Paul Correll, Town Treasurer Bonnie Krattiger and about 13 citizens were present for the monthly meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Chairman Greg Hyer. Paul Correll led the pledge of allegiance to our flag.

Approval of the Minutes of the June 13, 2016 Town Board Meeting. Minutes of the June 13, 2016 meeting were reviewed. Motion to approve the minutes was made by Paul Correll, seconded by Jeff Baylis. All Board Members approved. Motion carried.

Review of Financial Report and Action on Payment of Bills. Motion to accept the June 30 Financial Statement was made by Jeff Baylis, seconded by Greg Haack.

All Board Members approved. Motion carried. The list of invoices for July payment was reviewed. Motion to approve payments totaling $124,674.48 was made by Paul Correll, seconded by Jeff Baylis. All Board Members approved. Motion carried.

Chair/Clerk Announcements – Clerk-A copy of the Mt. Horeb Fire/EMS Department proposal for new building was recently in the Mt. Horeb Mail. The Clerk’s office has a copy of that article in the office. Registration for the Bike the Barns bicycle tour has been received for Sunday, September 18th. Also permit application of Rita’s Ride bicycle tour scheduled for July 30th. Clerk has a question on a missing check for reimbursement of security deposit for a rental. Thank you to the Board for the lovely plant for my recovery.

Chair: Chairman updated the salt situation. This past year the Town did not need all that was ordered. The County has agreed to take the overage. ATC will either appear in August or September regarding a presentation on the lines coming through the township. Mt. Horeb Fire Department would like to do a presentation on their building plans for a new station. Driveway on Braun Road has been resolved. Karl Dettmann has turned in a driveway permit for 4200 County Road P. He is looking to reroute existing driveway to the house and put in the shared driveway to the 2 residential lots.

Public Participation for Three Minutes on Any Item. Bob Boehnen updated some of the work on the building eve troughs are fixed. However, the building was vandalized this past weekend. Bathroom door handles were broken as well as the door on the women’s bathroom. Jim Garfoot and Janice Doyle talked about the detour of Highway P coming through on Garfoot Road. There are signs placed to reroute to Morgan’s. The Chair indicated the Chamber of Commerce looked for another route to the business. However, heavy equipment traffic has been seen on the road as well. A question was raised as to whether or not the County will pay for repairs on the road. Chair indicated unlikely as it is not the official detour route. Dan Frisch updated the work on Stagecoach Road. He indicated there is some loose gravel and wondered if it could be swept off. The town does not own the equipment to do that. Mike also wondered if there is a way to hire Rick to do any extra work? The Chair indicated the Township cannot do private contracting. Paul Correll took apart the picnic table that was rotten in the park and had asked Rick to pick up the parts, but it was not done. Bob Boehnen has those parts in his barn for now. Bob also brought a picture of the deep pothole on Union Valley to be fixed. Paul Correll had received a letter regarding target shooting on Highway P. Mike Gallager spoke on the continuing theme regarding maintenance of the roads. He is wondering if this is a money issue or a personnel issue. The Chair indicated for this year and last it has not been a money issue. Greg Hyer indicated MSA had planned to do more counts of traffic particularly use by the quarries on Stagecoach. Some data was collected. However, with County P being closed to traffic, MSA is not able to get an accurate count. They did get some tube counts before closure. Road design discussions about alternatives will hopefully be ready for the August meeting which should also have a range of costs. Between August and September we will need to pick a direction. From September to the November budget time table the Board will need to look at the financing options.

Action on Budget Timeline for 2017. In general Committees should submit budget items for the next year to the clerk by the end of July. Job performance reviews to be performed by the end of August. The Board is hoping for community input with this process. Adjustments will be presented in October for approval of budget to be presented at the Town Public Hearing.

Discussion/Action on Waste Services Contract. Wendy Smith from Waste Management, Inc. talked about the bid for Township. They do have a bulk pickup. Individuals would call Waste Management to arrange a time. The present hauler has not put in a bid. No action at this time.

Action on Rezone for property located at 8230 N. Riley Road. Motion was made by Greg Haack and seconded by Paul Correll to approve the rezone application for the property located at 8230 N. Riley Road. All Board Members approved. Motion carried.

Action on Rezone for property owned by Janice Doyle at 4575 Garfoot Road. Motion was made by Greg Haack and seconded by Jeff Baylis to approve the rezone application for the property located at 4575 Garfoot Road. All Board Members approved. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Greg Haack, second by Jeff Baylis. All Board Members approved. The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m.

Nancy Meinholz, Clerk



The Board of Supervisors of the Town of Cross Plains held a special meeting on Thursday, July 14, 2016 in the Community Center, 3734 County Road P, Cross Plains. Notice of the meeting was posted at the Community Center, on the website and Town Garage on July 12, 2016. Board Members Greg Hyer, Jeff Baylis, Paul Correll and one citizen were present. Meeting was called to order at 10:30 a.m. by Chairman Greg Hyer.

Action on Driveway Permit Application for Karl Dettmann at 4200 County Road P

Motion was made by Jeff Baylis and seconded by Paul Correll to approve the driveway permit plan dated 5/12/2016 for Karl Dettmann at 4200 County Road P provided shared driveway agreement is recorded and that both lots have their own emergency turnaround. Board Members Greg Hyer, Jeff Baylis and Paul Correll approved. Motion carried.

Action on payment of June invoices as updated by clerk. Motion was made by Jeff Baylis and seconded by Paul Correll to approve the amended invoices in the amount of $125,238.83. Board Members Greg Hyer, Jeff Baylis and Paul Correll approved. Motion carried.

Motion to adjourn was made by Paul Correll and seconded by Jeff Baylis. . Board Members Greg Hyer, Jeff Baylis and Paul Correll approved. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 10:39 a.m.

Nancy Meinholz, Clerk