Chapter 1

•  Complacent (kuhm-pley-suhnt) adj. -pleased, especially with oneself or one’s merits, advantages, situation, etc., often without awareness of some potential danger or defect; self-satisfied

•  Conscientious (kon-shee-en-shuhs) adj. -involving or taking great care; painstaking; diligent

•  Contemptuous (kuhn-temp-choo-uhs) adj. -showing or expressing contempt or disdain; scornful

•  Feign (feyn) v. -to put on a show of (a quality or emotion); pretend, to make up; invent

•  Fractious (frak-shuhs) adj. -irritable; unruly

•  Imperceptible (im-per-sep-tuh-buhl) adj. -too slight, subtle, gradual, etc., to be perceived

•  Intimation (in-tuh-mey-shun) n. -a hint or suggestion

•  Reproach (ri-prohch) v. -to find fault with (a person, group, etc.); blame; censure; to upbraid

•  Supercilious (soo-per-sil-ee-uhs) adj. -displaying arrogant pride, scorn

•  Unobtrusive (uhn-uhb-troo-siv) adj. -not obtrusive, inconspicuous, unassertive, or reticent

Chapter 2

•  contiguous (kuhn-tig-yoo-uhs)- adj. touching; in contact; in close proximity without actually touching; near; adjacent in time

•  countenance (koun-tn-uhns)- n. the face, especially when considered as expressing a person’s character or mood

•  deft (deft)- adj. dexterous; nimble; skillful; clever

•  hauteur (hoh-tur)- n. haught manner or spirit; arrogance

•  incessant (in-ses-uhnt)- adj. not ceasing; continual

•  languid (lang-gwid)- adj. without energy or spirit; without interest or enthuiasm; sluggish; inactive

•  pastoral (pas-ter-uhl)- adj. of, characterized by, or depicting rural life, scenery, etc.

•  strident (strahyd-nt)- adj. (or a shout, voice, etc.) having or making a loud or harsh sound; urgent, clamorous

•  sumptuous (suhmp-choo-uhs)- adj. expensive or extravagant; magnificent; splendid

Chapter 3

·  convivial (kuhn-viv-ee-uhl) adj. sociable; jovial or festive

·  dissension (dih-sen-shuhn) n. strong disagreement; a contention or quarrel; discord

·  divergence (dih-vur-juhns) n. the act of moving, lying, or extending in different directions from a common point; branch off

·  erroneous (uh-roh-nee-uhs) adj. containing error; mistaken; incorrect; wrong

·  impetuously (im-pech-oo-uhs) adj. liable to act without consideration; rash; impulsive

·  innuendo (in-yoo-en-doh) n. an indirect or subtle reference, esp. one made maliciously or indicating criticism or disapproval; insinuation

·  permeate (pur-mee-yet) v. to penetrate or pervade

·  provincial (pruh-vin-shul) adj. having attitudes and opinions supposedly common to people living in the provinces; rustic or unsophisticated; limited

·  vacuous (vak-yoo-uhs) adj. containing nothing; empty; bereft of ideas or intelligence; mindless

·  vehemently (vee-uh-muhnt-ly) adj. marked by intensity of feeling or conviction; empathic; (of action, gestures, etc.) characterized by great energy, vigor, or force; furious