CCI Training Center

IT Professional Communications LAB 2

Name: ______Date: ______

1.______is/are consistently cited as the most important skill(s) for a support person.

a. / Problem solving ability / c. / The ability to empathize
b. / Listening / d. / Communication skills


2.Which is an example of passive listening? ______

a. / Waiting for the speaker to finish before you answer.
b. / Responding to the speaker.
c. / Simply taking in information and showing little regard for the speaker.
d. / Asking the speaker questions.


3.Which is an example of active listening? ______

a. / Verifying that you understand the speaker.
b. / Paying attention to what is being said and how it is being said.
c. / Not asking the speaker questions.
d. / Both A and B.


4.One tip mentioned in the active listening portion of this chapter is analysts using ____ to diagnose incidents and methodically identify solutions.

a. / FAQs
b. / technical web sites
c. / Microsoft’s Technet
d. / checklists


5.Which of the following is true? ______

a. / Resist the temptation to make assumptions about customers’ skill levels based on their use of jargon, acronyms, and terminology.
b. / If a customer is angry or highly agitated, an analyst should try to ask probing questions prior to letting the customer vent.
c. / Technical service desk analysts need to understand the technology they work with, not the business language that customers use.
d. / All of the above.

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6.Which is an example of good listening? ______

a. / Asking questions that are too basic for the customer’s skill level.
b. / Using acronyms with new customers.
c. / Learning the customer’s business language.
d. / Both A and B.


7.When is it appropriate to interrupt a customer? ______

a. / When he is upset.
b. / When he is being abusive.
c. / When he is describing what caused his incident.
d. / It is never appropriate to interrupt a customer.


8.If a customer is very angry, an analyst should _____.

a. / let him vent
b. / use a verbal nod of the head to indicate he is listening
c. / refrain from interrupting him
d. / All of the above


9.If you are unsure whether a customer understands what you have just said, how should you proceed? ______

a. / Continue talking, but speak more slowly so the customer will be sure to understand.
b. / Keep talking; the customer will interrupt if he has a question.
c. / Ask the customer if he would like you to repeat what you have said.
d. / Assume the customer did not understand what you said and repeat, verbatim, the information.


10.What is paraphrasing? ______

a. / Slowly repeating what the customer has just said.
b. / Restating information using slightly different words.
c. / Removing all acronyms from your speech.
d. / Using appropriate technical jargon in your speech.


11.What is the most common way to build rapport with a customer? ______

a. / Answer the phone promptly.
b. / Use a standard, polite greeting when answering the phone.
c. / Ask the customer how you may help them.
d. / Listen for the customer’s name and use it respectfully during the remainder of your conversation.


12.Which is a benefit of active listening? ______

a. / Assisting an analyst in downplaying the urgency of the incident.
b. / Enabling an analyst to address the customer’s emotions.
c. / Helping an analyst to keep the conversation on track.
d. / Both B and C.


13.Studies indicate that we ignore, forget, distort, or misunderstand ____ percent of what we hear.

a. / 10 / c. / 50
b. / 25 / d. / 75


14.Believing that you can listen to a customer and still pay attention to what is going on around you is an example of ____.

a. / “third ear” syndrome / c. / imaging
b. / distractions / d. / a mental side trip


15.Which concept does “Listening is not waiting for your turn to talk” explain? ______

a. / jumping ahead / c. / imaging
b. / distractions / d. / emotional filters


16.Which is a common mistake in customer service? ______

a. / Delivering too much information.
b. / Being too empathetic.
c. / Getting too much information from the customer.
d. / Being too polite.


17.Which factor most influences customer perception when people are communicating over the telephone? ______

a. / tone of voice / c. / nonverbal communication
b. / verbal communication / d. / prompt answering of the phone


18.When communicating face-to-face, nonverbal qualities make up ____ percent of the conversation.

a. / 20 / c. / 55
b. / 25 / d. / 75


19.What does this chapter suggest to help service desk analysts monitor their facial expressions and posture? ______

a. / Get feedback from another analyst at the completion of a call.
b. / Place a mirror at eye level in the analyst’s workspace.
c. / Watch pre-recorded videos of previous calls.
d. / All of the above.


20.Which is true about voice pitch? ______

a. / High-pitched voices are viewed as strong.
b. / To lower your voice pitch, raise your head.
c. / Low-pitched voices are associated with someone who is in control.
d. / All of the above.


21.Which is an effective method of dealing with chatterers? ______

a. / Restate their information and opinions.
b. / Sympathize with their complaints.
c. / Avoid encouraging them.
d. / Both B and C.


22.Which group of people are most likely to avoid engaging in social conversation and want to get to the point immediately? ______

a. / aggressive people / c. / complainers
b. / chatterers / d. / know-it-alls


23.According to this chapter, you and your customers are bilingual; you both speak ____.

a. / business and technology / c. / to be understood and to teach
b. / and write to do business / d. / to ask questions and to answer questions


24.Which is an example of a close-ended question? ______

a. / Is there another printer close by that you can use?
b. / When was the last time you were able to use this device?
c. / What other applications have you used today?
d. / What other symptoms have you experienced?


25.When interacting with which type of users should you ask open-ended questions? ______

a. / chatters / c. / passive
b. / complainers / d. / know-it-alls


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