Minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee held on Thursday 25 April 2013 at 7.00 pm in the Council Chamber, Unit 5B Trecerus Industrial Estate, Padstow

Present: M J Hunt (Chair), R Higman, A Rickard, Mrs T Walter and C Watson-Smyth

In attendance: Mrs K Pemberton (Town Clerk), Mrs N Barnes (Responsible Financial Officer) and 3 Members of the Public

FGP2012/57 Apologies for absence and Announcements: Apologies received from Councillors K Freeman and Mrs K Seaber. There were no announcements.

FGP2012/58 Declarations of Interest: The following declarations of Interest were received:-

·  Councillor R Higman: Grant application relating to Trevone Village Hall.

·  Councillor C Watson-Smyth: Grant application relating to PATA/TIC.

·  Councillor Mrs T Walter: Grant applications relating to the Lobster Hatchery and Padstow School.

·  Councillor A Rickard: Grant applications relating to the Memorial Hall, Padstow United Football Club, St Petrocs Senior Citizens Club and Padstow Trefoil Guild.

FGP2012/59 Public Participation: No members of the public addressed the committee.

FGP2012/60 Minutes of the meeting held on 12 February 2013: It was RESOLVED that, subject to the addition of adding “In Attendance: Mrs K Pemberton (Town Clerk) and Mrs N Barnes (Responsible Financial Officer), the minutes be signed as a true record of the meeting.

FGP2012/61 Budget Summary 2012/13: was noted for information.

FGP2012/62 Grants:

It was RESOLVED to offer the following grants for 2013/14. Grants would be released as per Council’s Policy, unless otherwise outlined by the Committee.

LGA Misc Provisions Act s19

a.  Padstow & District Flower Club £ 100

b.  Padstow Sailing Club £ 500

c.  Padstow Sea Cadets £2,150

Councillor A Rickard left the meeting

d.  St Petrocs Senior Citizens Club £ 750

Councillor A Rickard returned to the meeting

Councillor R Higman left the meeting

e.  Trevone Village Hall £1,500

Councillor R Higman returned to the meeting

f.  Trevone Youth Club £ 100

Councillor A Rickard left the meeting

g.  Padstow United Football Club £1,500

Councillor A Rickard returned to the meeting

h.  Padstow Enterprise Youth Club £ 500

Town Clerk to advise Padstow Enterprise Youth Club, that as per the Council’s Grants Policy, grants will not be awarded to meet general salary costs. Furthermore, that the grant to be drawn down.

i.  Padstow Preschool £ 200

j.  Padstow Girlguiding Guide Hut £ 500

Councillor A Rickard left the meeting

k.  Padstow Trefoil Guild £ 100

Councillor A Rickard returned to the meeting

Councillor Mrs T Walter left the meeting

l.  Padstow School £ 750

Councillor Mrs T Walter returned to the meeting

m.  St Petroc Church £ 500

Local Government and Rating Act 1997

n.  Padstow & District Community Transport £1,000

LGA 1972 S137

o.  Padstow Museum £1,500

p.  Shelter Cornwall £ 0

Councillor Mrs T Walter left the meeting

q.  The National Lobster Hatchery £ 100

Councillor Mrs T Walter returned to the meeting

r.  Royal British Legion – Padstow £ 250

s.  Padstow Institute £1,000

t.  PaTCAG £ 200

u.  Arthritis Research UK £ 0

v.  Cornwall Air Ambulance Trust £ 100

w.  Cornwall International Male Voice Choral

Festival £ 0

Councillor A Rickard left the meeting

x.  Padstow Memorial Hall £1,000

Councillor A Rickard returned to the meeting

LGA 1972 s144

Councillor C Watson-Smyth left the meeting

y.  Padstow Area Tourism and Business

Forum £10,000

The Town Clerk to stipulate that the grant be drawn down in 10 equal payments of £1,000 each month for 10 months.

Councillor C Watson-Smyth returned to the meeting

z.  Padstow Christmas Lights Committee £ 3,500

Police Community Support Officer: It was noted that £32,000 had been granted to fund this post during the budget setting process in November 2012.

A vote of thanks was offered to the Chairman of the Committee and officers involved in pulling together and sorting through all the information for this meeting.

FGP2012/63 Grant Request: There was much discussion on this item. It was considered that the request should be turned down as the sum requested was £825.55 in excess of the money still available, no proposal has been put to the Council for the erection of a skateboard ramp on its land and it was preferred that grant money be paid to the organisation, not a company undertaking any works.

RESOLVED that the grant request not be granted.

FGP2012/64 Earmarked Reserve (Padstow Youth Forum): It was considered that more information was required on this item and that it would be more advantageous to defer to a later meeting. However, during debate it was considered that a meeting be arranged with the Trustees in order to outline where we were with things and how matters can be progressed.

RESOLVED that the proposal for the Mayor, Chairman of Finance, Town Clerk and the Responsible Financial Officer to meet with Trustees of the Enterprises Youth Group be considered at the first meeting of the new Council’s Finance and General Purposes Committee.

FGP2012/65 Date of next meeting: To be determined by the new Council.

The meeting closed at 8.30 pm.