Lower School Science: Year 7

Matter and the particle model

Topic / Syllabus statements (NC) / Study tasks / activities / Practical work / Resources / Book References
States of matter / how materials can be characterised by melting point, boiling point and density / Look at a picture of a car (or whatever) (see sheet) and make a table of Different state, different job
Think of another object with uses different states of matter and make another own table
Make notes on changes of state
Write down definitions of the words for changes of state
Extension: Write down a definition of latent heat?
Review: Assignment book 1B 6.1 A (Blanks) and B (Mistakes) / Demo- classify a number of objects as solid, liquid or gas. Throw in some difficult cases, like jelly, thick oil, custard.
Expt 6.2 (Assignment book 1B) – Comparing the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
Expt 6.3 (Assignment book 1B) – Measuring the melting point of ice
Make a ‘heating curve’ for ice. This is practice for the cooling curve: students need to learn how to use a thermometer correctly!
Make a cooling curve for salol.
Label the curve with solid, liquid, gas, melting point, boiling point.
evidence for the particle model / how the particle theory of matter can be used to explain the properties of solids, liquids and gases, including changes of state, gas pressure and diffusion / Review: Assignment book 1B 6.2 / Think about some everyday examples of diffusion: make a list
Watch these demos
 Diffusion of bromine or NO2 in gas jars
 Diffusion of potassium permanganate
 Diffusion of perfume through a balloon
Investigate the affect of heat on the diffusion of potassium permanganate in water
Observe the smoke cell and explain what you can see
Carry out the following experiments:
  • Mixing sand and peas
  • Mixing alcohol and water
Watch the burning magnesium ribbon (demo) and write up the practical
The particle model / that the elements are shown in the periodic table and consist of atoms, which can be represented by symbols
how elements vary widely in their physical properties, including appearance, state at room temperature, magnetic properties and thermal and electrical conductivity, and how these properties can be used to classify elements as metals or nonmetals
/ Draw diagrams of the three states of mater
Draw a diagram to show what happens to particles when a solid is heated
Complete the sheet ‘Expansion, contraction and change of state’ in the booklet.
Define atom
Label and colour in the periodic table
Review: Assignment book 1B 6.3 / Observe elements and fill in the table ‘Looking at Elements’
Gas pressure / Write definitions of pressure and gas pressure and describe what causes gas pressure / Calculate the pressure you exert on the ground
Demo a model of gas pressure by throwing ping-pong balls onto a digital balance
Measuring gas pressure:
 Using a Bourdon gauge
 Making and using a manometer
Watch the following demos and explain them in terms of gas pressure:
 Collapsing can
 Pumping the air out of a can
Carry out the following:
 Measuring density of regular and irregular solids
 Measuring the density of liquids
Density / Review:
Assignment book 1B 6.4 and 6.5 / Carry out activity 6(i) (Predicting what will float and sink in different liquids)
Carry out the following activities:
 Density ladder
 Floating egg
 Hot air balloon
 Making a boat
Theramal contraction and expansion / Complete the sheets ‘looking at expansion’
Make a list of Consequences of thermal expansion in everyday life Review: Summing up practice on p.138
Assignment book 1B 6.6 / Demos of expanding solids, liquids and gases
Demo of a fire alarm