Unit 3 My English is improving fast!


Part I Vocabulary and grammar. 词汇与语法。

I. Write out the following countries’ main language.写出以下国家所使用的主要语言。

countries / language
/ 1
(蓝、白、红) / 2
(黑、红、黄) / 3
/ 4
/ 5
/ 6
(白、蓝、红) / 7
/ 8
/ 9
/ 10

II. Translate the following expressions.翻译短语。

1. tour guide 2. shop assistant

3. apply for 4. oral English

5. keep up 6. 记日记

7. 听起来不错 8. 拜访朋友

9. 把某人介绍给某人 10. 害怕

III. Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the given phrases.用所给短语的正确形式填空。

used to keep it up

apply for it seemed that

agree with be over

give it a try try to

1. Do you ______me?

2. I think ______and I will find it a lot of fun.

3. When class ______, we talked about where to go for dinner.

4. ______they couldn’t understand each.

5. I ______a job in a big company.

6. He found it very difficult to ______every day.

7. My English ______be poor but now I am good at it.

8. In English class, everyone ______speak in English.

IV. Choose the best answers.单项选择。

( ) 1. In the USA, most people speak ______.

A. America B. English C. England D. American

( ) 2. ______has the largest number of speakers.

A. China B. Chinese C. French D. English

( ) 3. Is English ______for the job?

A. must B. need C. a must D. a need

( ) 4. English keeps ______all the time.

A. change B. changing C. to change D. changed

( ) 5. He spent a lot of time ______English these days.

A. study B. to study C. is studying D. studying

( ) 6. In some Western countries, people try ______a black cat.

A. to avoid B. avoid C. avoiding D. avoided

Part II Oral practice.一问一答。

I. Match the questions with the answers.

A. He is a tour guide.
B. He speaks English.
C. He is from China.
D. He works in a shop.

( )1. What is he?

( ) 2. Where is he from?

( ) 3. What does he do?

( ) 4. What language does he speak?

II. Rearrange the dialogue. 对话排序。

1.  What’s the job you’ve applied for?

2.  Yes. I’ll have to use a lot of English if I get the job.

3.  Hi, Sarah. Why you spend a lot of time studying English these days?

4.  Secretary.

5.  Because I’ve applied for a job in a big international company.

6.  Is English a must for the job?

The correct order is: ______.

III. Complete the dialogue.补全对话。

A: ______①______?

B: I come from India..

A: ______②______?

B: I speak Indian..

A: ______③______?

B: In India, shaking the head means ‘yes’.

IV. Work in pairs. Make dialogues according to the following information. 根据表格中的信息,仿照例子编写对话。


What’s your job?

Tour guide

Is English a must for the job?

Yes. Oral English is important for my job.

Name / Age / Job / Oral English / Written English
Mike / 25 / tour guide / √
Ann / 27 / shop assistant / √
Jack / 23 / receptionist / √ / √

Part III Reading and writing.阅读与写作。

I. According to your understanding on Page2324, please tell which of the following statements are Leo’s or Sarah’s根据课本23、24页的短文,分别指出Leo 和Sarah 的观点各是哪些句子,在句后内标明Leo’s or Sarah’s。

1. I can speak beautiful English. ( )

2. My English used to be poor. ( )

3. I have applied for a job in a big international company. ( )

4. I read English novels and English news online. ( )

5. I’ll have to use a lot of English if I get the job. ( )

II. Read the texts on Page 27, and then decide “true or false”. 根据课本27页的短文,判断正误。

( ) 1. Chinese people tend to avoid “13” because it sounds like the word unlucky.

( ) 2. In China, “6” is a lucky number.

( ) 3. In Western countries, people think a black cat will bring bad luck.

( ) 4. In China, red is usually connected with such joyful occasions as weddings.

( ) 5. Westerners do not like “4” because it sounds like the word “death”.

III. Write more ways to improve your English.写出更多可以提高英语 的方式。

More ways to improve English
Read English novels

IV. How to solve these problems when we learn English ? 从课文中找出解决以下问题的方法。

1. I’m poor at grammar.


2. My pronunciation is poor.


3. I’m too shy to speak English in front of other people.


4. I can’t remember new words.


5. I read too slow.


V. Find the differences between China and Western countries.找出以下动物在东西方文化中所代表的不同意义。

objects / In China / In western countries