Community Counselling Service

ABN 82 543 447 148

Minutes of Management Meeting

Held on 27August 2010, 7.00 pm

Paul & Aylin’s House

Present: Celia Connolly, Paul Moorhouse, Karen Smith, Jill Henry, Himanshu Doodhwala, Aylin Dulagil, Vesna Zivanovich.

Apologies: Victor Zeigler, Eros Candusso, Heather Firth, Jude Piercey, Michael Steege

  1. Business plan: Management Committee agreed to adopt business plan.

Action:Paul will circulate motion to change organization aim, for vote at AGM.

  1. Volunteer Counsellor Manager, Fundraiser: These positions need to be filled.

Action:Aylin will advertise for suitable candidates on Volunteers website.

  1. Intake officer, Progress report: There are currently 12 people on Mandala’s waiting list. 2 referrals were done to private practitioners via medicare.
  1. Supervision invoicing and payments: Himanshu will standardise invoicing, GST will be uniformly shown on all invoices.

The vote was taken on whether to minute individual special arrangements for counsellors regarding payments for supervision.The majority on the committee voted on minuting the policy only and outlining the policy application to each affected counsellor in individual letter. This is done to protect the privacy of affected individuals.

Action:Aylin will send letters to counsellors who have special payment arrangements, outlining those arrangements in individual letters.

Action: Board will review the above decision on 30/6/2011.

  1. Training report: One trainee counsellor finished engagement with Mandala after completing the training, due to further study commitments. 4 counsellors were given certificates upon completion of the training.

Action:On behalf of the Mandala board, Aylin will email all counsellors that completed the training.

  1. Training of new counsellors: Website is generating inquiries regarding training. Good timing for running the training is next year, to finish in August, September. New venue may be required for training. Training coordinator is also required.

Action: Celia will draft position description, Aylin will advertise.

Action: Celia will draft budget and dates for training.

Action: Training flyers to be made by Training coordinator by November.

Action: Training committee (Celia, Paul, Michael) to start working towards the end of year.

  1. Christmas party:Fundraising BBQ is on 4/12/2010. The Christmas party will be held on weekend either after BBQ week, early December or late November, depending on venue availability.

Action:Vesna will check some venues for availability. Karen, Jude and Vesna will look after organizing the event.

  1. Fundraising report, new grants:Grant for training equipment has not been received yet.

Action:Aylin will forward letter to Himanshu.

Action: Karen will reply to Sisters of Charity for training grant.

Action: Victor will purchase the equipment.

  1. Partnership with NSWIPP: Celia met with Mary Cameron from NSWIPP. NSWIPP trainees could be recruited for either volunteer work or supervision.

Action: Vesna will invite Mary Cameron to Christmas party.

  1. Annual report: The Annual Report draft was circulated. Himanshu circulated financial report.

Action:Vesna to send thank you letter to Liesl for her work on Annual Report.

Action:Himanshu will email financial report.

  1. City of Sydney: Jill had meeting with staff from City of Sydney. They feel that more communication and engagement is needed between Mandala and City of Sydney

Action: Vesna invite Jennifer Trinica to Cristmas party.

Action: Vesna to list all counselling locations in her contribution to Annual Report (Bondi Junction, Edgecliff, Surry Hills, Ultimo, Mosman, Marrickville, Glebe, CBD, Tammarama, Campsi).

  1. Ashfield: Exodus House is not being used any more by Mandala.

Action: Aylin will contact Bill regarding closing the relationship.

Action: Vesna will contact Denis regarding keys to Exodus House.

Action: Paul will move filing cabinet to Ultimo.

Other business: It was agreed that future meetings will start at 7:30pm instead of 7pm.

The proposed dates for 2010 meetings are:






10.12.2010 (AGM)

Attachment: Other Business - BAS

From:Paul Moorhouse [

Sent:Friday, 23 April 2010 12:36 PM

To:'Zivanovich, Vesna'; 'ConollyCelia'; 'DenisJeanBaptiste'; 'DulagilAylin'; 'Eros Candusso'; 'Firth Heather'; 'HenryJill'; 'Himanshu Doodhwala'; 'PierceyJude '; 'SmithKaren'; 'SteegeMichael'

Subject:Mandala financials BAS statements

Dear Mandala committee members

Mandala has recently obtained online access to the ATO's business portal to allow filing of BAS online, and review of past BAS. I had understood that Berny Ho previously had such online access, although the ATO informed us earlier this year that our previous 'digital signature' had expired, which meant that we had to obtain online access again from scratch.

Both Himanshu and I now have online access to Mandala's account with the ATO, including for the purpose of filing BAS.

As a result of obtaining online access we are now aware that Mandala has not filed a BAS for any period since Q1 of FY2008/09. It appears that Berny Ho never filed BAS for the remaining 3 quarters of FY2008/09, contrary to my understanding.

In addition, BAS for the first 2 quarters of FY2009/10 are overdue. Himanshu prepared those statements ready for submission some time ago - together they disclose a total credit (ie, GST to be recovered from the ATO) of $550.

The proposed BAS are attached, and we propose lodging them immediately after this Friday's CoM meeting subject to any comments other committee members have.

Himanshu has also prepared a GST reconciliation for FY2008/09, and is able to now submit BAS based on that reconciliation. It is based on theFY2008/09 accounts prepared by Berny Ho, which were submitted to the Office of Fair Trading with our annual return, save that Himanshu advises that the grants from MHCC ($17,325) and from the Sisters of Charity ($5,000) must both be treated as including a GST component. This is different to the GST treatment given by Berny Ho to those grant moneys. The tax invoice issued to MHCC for that grant expressly included a GST component. In relation to the Sisters of Charity grant Himanshu has spoken with the ATO and clarified that it is subject to GST.

The 4 BAS statements for FY2008/09 prepared on this revised basis disclose a total GST liability (ie, GST we must remit to the ATO) of $1,877. They will require an amendment to the BAS already submitted for Q1 of that year (for which we wrongly received a credit of $157), plus submitting the remaining 3 BAS.

The GST reconciliation prepared by Himanshu for FY2008/09 is attached. In relation to that year, we propose after this Friday's CoM meeting to:

-lodge BAS for Qs 2, 3 and 4 in accordance with that reconciliation;

-lodge amendments to BAS for Q 1 in accordance with thatreconciliation; and

-prepare revised financial statement showed changed GST treatment ofthe two grant moneys referred to above, for lodging with Office of Fair Trading,again subject to any comments other committee members have.

The net effect of lodging the five BAS noted above, plus amending BAS for Q1 of FY2008/09 as noted above, will be a liability to the ATO of about $1,480. There may also be penalties of $110 per BAS statements for late lodgement.

Himanshu will not be able to attend tonight's CoM meeting, but I will attempt to answer any questions.

Kind regards

Paul Moorhouse

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