Application ID: / APP
CIA Surname:
Supplementary Questions
Cancer Council applications for project grants commencing 2017
Closing Date: Friday 18 March 2016
  • Applications to the Cancer Councils comprise of:
  • The NHMRC RGMS application, which is to be submitted to the NHMRC in accordance with their guidelines, and
  • The Supplementary Questions document, which is to be submitted by your institution's Research Admin Officer (RAO) as a PDF file to the Cancer Council Grants Secretariat ().
  • The same application ID must be used on both the NHMRC application and the Supplementary Questions document.
    Please name your document APP[application ID]_SuppQs_[CIA Surname] eg APP191919_SuppQs_Smith
  • Cancer Councils do not offer multi-state funding. Only one Supplementary Questions document is permitted per RGMS application ID.
  • Please insert application ID and CIA surname in the header
  • Please use Times New Roman 12 font for all responses
  • Where appropriate, place “X” next to relevant options in tables
  • You mustselect“Cancer Council”for both the “…organisation(s) from which funding is sought” and “Consent to disclose personal information to other organisations” questions in Part B of the RGMS application. If you do not, NHMRC won’t release your application data to the Cancer Councils.
  • Applicants mustadhere to NHMRC formatting rules for the NHMRC components of the application

  1. Chief Investigator A – contact details (for correspondence)

Application ID
Suburb / State / Postcode
Telephone No / Email
  1. Administering Institution
Please include name and department address of the Institution’s Research Admin Officer (RAO)
Name of RAO
Suburb / State / Postcode
Telephone No / Email
  1. Scientific Title of your project

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  1. Which Cancer Council are you applying to?
Only one selection permitted
Cancer Council ACT
Cancer Council New South Wales
Cancer Council Queensland
Cancer Council South Australia (administered by SAHMRI)
Cancer Council Victoria
Cancer Council Western Australia
  1. Please list all Chief Investigators and Associate Investigators who will be named on the Cancer Council application, and the Institution they are located in.
NOTE: For Cancer Council Queensland, Cancer Council SA and Cancer Council Victoria applicationsthe list and sequence of Chief Investigators must be the same on both the NHMRC and Cancer Council application.
Chief Investigator(s)
(Title, First name & Surname) / Institution

Insert additional rows as required

Associate Investigator(s)
(Title, First name & Surname) / Institution

Insert additional rows as required

  1. Is the list and sequence of Investigators on the Cancer Council application the same as on the NHMRC application form?
NOTE: Skip this question if applying to Cancer Councils Queensland, South Australia or Victoria
Yes  Go to Question 7
No Please briefly explain why the list of investigators has changed
(Cancer Councils ACT, NSW and WA applicantsonly)

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  1. Relevance to the causes, diagnosis, treatment or prevention of cancer
Please include information on the relevance to cancer in your response, including how you might progress the results of your work and its translation into clinical practice. The application will be considered insufficiently relevant if the relevance and significance to another disease is greater than to cancer, or if the research is of such a fundamental nature that its likely short or medium term impact on cancer control is low.
(½ page maximum)

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  1. Specific State criteria (SA, VIC, WA) / Specific research area (QLD)
Please address any specific criteria that the Cancer Council may have. These are available on their respective web sites. Note: not all Cancer Councils will have state-specificcriteria.
(1 page maximum)

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Budget and scope of research
  1. Is your application also being considered for funding by the NHMRC and/or Cancer Australia?

  1. Scope of Research
What modifications to your project will be required in order for it to fit with the level of funding being offered by the Cancer Council? Please note that provision of the information requested for the next three questions is mandatory.
10.1Provide details about the aims that will be retained and the aims that will be removed due to the reduced level of funding and/or reduced number of years.

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10.2Include a timeline which detailsthe measurable milestones you expect to achieve in each 6month interval of your funding term. To clearly demonstrate the expected progression of your project, please list every milestone you expect to achieve and when you expect to achieve it, including employment of staff, ethics approval, development of study measures, data collection (eg. expected recruitment numbers within each 6 monthly interval), data analysis, manuscript preparation etc

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10.3Include details about the changes to budget across the duration of your funding term.

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  1. Budget
Please ensure you adhere to the maximum funding limits offered by the relevant state Cancer Council to which you are applying by referring to the National Cancer Research Grants webpage. The amounts on offer vary across the Cancer Councils.
NOTE: Applicants for Cancer Council NSW funding are not restricted to requesting NHMRC’s pre-defined PSP salary levels for grant-supported personnel.
Named Person / PSP Level / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3

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  1. Cancer Council Research Grants held by any of the Chief Investigators during the period 2012-2016

Application ID (if known) / Chief Investigators, Project Title, Year(s) grant held / Publications arising from Cancer Council funding held (publication reference ID allocated by RGMSwill suffice)
The Common Scientific Outlines in Question 13 are the result of collaborative effort between the NCI in the US, the NCRI in the UK, and their partners. It is a classification system organised around seven broad areas of scientific interest in cancer research, plus subgroups. Click on the following link to view category descriptions in full
  1. Which categories of research best describe your application? Please select all that are applicable.
Place an ‘X’ against a maximum of two categories which are applicable to this research, and also indicate with * the one category which best describes the main research focus of your project.
1.1Normal functioning
1.2Cancer initiation: Alterations in chromosomes
1.3Cancer initiation: Oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes
1.4Cancer progression and metastasis
1.5Resources and infrastructure
2.1Exogenous factors in the origin and cause of cancer
2.2Endogenous factors in the origin and cause of cancer
2.3Interactions of genes and/or genetic polymorphisms with exogenous and/or endogenous factors
2.4Resources and infrastructure related to aetiology
3.1Interventions to prevent cancer: Personal behaviours that affect cancer risk
3.2Nutritional science in cancer prevention
3.5Complementary and alternative prevention approaches
3.6Resources and infrastructure related to prevention
Early Detection, Diagnosis, and Prognosis
4.1Technology development and/or marker discovery
4.2Technology and/or marker evaluation with respect to fundamental parameters of method
4.3Technology and/or marker testing in a clinical setting
4.4Resources and infrastructure related to detection, diagnosis, or prognosis
5.1Localised therapies – Discovery and development
5.2Localised therapies – Clinical applications
5.3Systemic therapies – Discovery and development
5.4Systemic therapies – Clinical applications
5.5Combinations of localised and systemic therapies
5.6Complementary and alternative treatment approaches
5.7Resources and infrastructure related to treatment and the prevention of recurrence
Cancer Control, Survivorship, and Outcomes Research
6.1Patient care and survivorship issues
6.4Cost analyses and healthcare delivery
6.5Education and communication
6.6End-of-Life care
6.7Ethics and confidentiality in cancer research
6.8Complementary and alternative approaches for supportive care of patients and survivors
6.9Resources and infrastructure related to cancer control, survivorship, and outcomes research
Scientific Model Systems
7.1Development and characterisation of model systems
7.2Application of model systems
7.3Resources and infrastructure related to scientific model systems
  1. Does the research proposal submitted to the Cancer Council

Require submission to a Human Research Ethics Committee?
Require submission to an institution’s Animal Ethics Committee responsible for animal research?
Involve organisms being genetically manipulated such that they fall under current guidelines issued by the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator?
Involve the use of carcinogenic or highly toxic chemicals?
Involve the use of human stem cells?
Involve the use of animal stem cells?

A Yes / No response is required for each of the above options

Cancer Council ACT, Cancer Council NSW and Cancer Council WA applicants only
If there are Chief Investigators named on this application that are not named on the NHMRC application, please attach one page of Track Record information and list of publications for the last 5 years

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